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I used to think that people just have the confidence that they had

Wishing I had someone’s confidence was like wishing I had their natural hair color

I may be able to fake mine but it isn’t real

Thankfully, confidence is not something people are born with 

It is a mindset and a skill

That means we can learn it!

Habits that help you become a more confident woman are:

  1. Work on your posture
  2. Require daily self-care
  3. Envision yourself as you want and take steps to be her
  4. Stop apologizing when it isn’t you’re fault
  5. Get out of your comfort zone
  6. Talk yourself up every day
  7. What can you do today that your ideal self will thank you for?
  8. Take deep breaths
  9. Read more
  10. Take small steps instead of large ones
  11. Be careful who you spend time with
  12. Dress nicely
  13. Practice saying no 

None of these alone with change your life 100% but they all will make an amazing impact if you let them

Choose one or two habits to start adding to your life and then add more when those feel easy

I know it can be tempting to jump in head first and try to change everything about your life at once

But that isn’t sustainable

You have a default and that default will always be what you return to after a little time

So you can change all these things about yourself for a few days or weeks, but they won’t be habits that  change your life because they have not become your default

Habits become default slowly so take your time 

Trust me, the progress will come and you’ll be amazed at how different you are next year

Work on your posture

Posture is a funny thing

You don’t realize how much it changes your confidence until you play with it

It is common now for people to have poor posture and that affects the way you see yourself and how you feel

Poor posture reduces oxygen to your brain and it makes you feel a little beaten down

Several times throughout the day, make habit of fixing your posture

This won’t have to be done when your posture is naturally good

But let’s take it one step at a time

Several times throughout the day (or whenever you need a boost), imagine that there is a string attached to the top of your head

Not imagine someone pulling that string to straighten your back and neck

Now lower your shoulders back and down

Great job!

You have improved your posture

Try to keep that posture as long as you can remember

Remember that slouching is your current default so don’t get upset when you return to it

Require daily self-care

When I think of a confident woman, I think of a woman that values herself

Think of something that you value

Maybe it’s a computer or your kids

Would you neglect anything that you really valued?

Would you treat it terribly?

Probably not!

Self-care should not be optional

Even if you only have two minutes

Create a habit of doing at least a little self-care every day

Learn to value yourself and your body

And it will take time to learn

I started learning to value myself in 2020 and I am still learning 3 years later

But the difference has been life-changing

Envision yourself as you want and take steps to be her

If you are like me, you are not the dream version of yourself

I spent years afraid and I had no confidence

That wasn’t the version of me that I wanted

But I also had no idea what that version of me looked like

Notice I am saying a version of me

Sit down and think about the best version of you

What would her days look like?

What would she do, eat, think, learn, etc

Learn about this version of you like she is your best friend

You should know everything about her

Now choose one area of your life that needs adjusting

Think of small steps that you can take to improve that one area

Start small and simple

Every time you succeed, your confidence will increase, and your chances of future success increases

So set yourself up for success 

Every time you successfully make a small step, work on another small step

Stop apologizing when it isn’t you’re fault

When we apologize for things, we are accepting responsibility

This is one that I am working on

I will apologize for everything

Even if I didn’t do anything wrong

This doesn’t help my confidence at all

Yes, if you are responsible the take responsibility

But don’t take the fall every time something happens to avoid making someone else uncomfortable

You don’t have to insist on being right

Just accept the way things are and move on 

But don’t apologize and internalize wrongdoing when you did nothing wrong

Get out of your comfort zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone is one of the best ways to build confidence

Learn something do, do something new, change your routine

Whatever it takes

Just get out of your comfort zone

Don’t set yourself up for failure

I did that for a long time

I would do something new and expect to master it in 10 minutes

That is setting up for failure

Expect to suck at new things and celebrate your willingness to try!

Keep trying until you learn it 

At least have some success before deciding to keep going or quit

It is easy to quit and hate something when it is hard

So don’t make harsh judgments about the activity or yourself 

Just enjoy the process

You only grow when you leave your comfort zone

Talk yourself up every day

Your self-talk is very important!

Your subconscious brain controls things like default confidence

And it doesn’t know what a joke or sarcasm is

So when you talk poorly about yourself, even in a joking way, your subconscious believes you

It is hard to be confident when you believe that you are dumb or ugly

This will take time to fix

Choose to tell yourself good things

Acknowledge the good things that you do and the good in your life

Talk about it

Every time do succeed, tell yourself that you are amazing

Sit up straighter in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful

Even if you feel like it is a lie

If your brain doesn’t know the difference between truth and a lie, might as well use that to make yourself feel better and increase your confidence

What can you do today that your ideal self will thank you for?

Your future is made from the habits you have right now

What are some habits that your future self will thank you for?

Learn to add those habits into your life

The saying “you are what you do” is not quite true

The truth is that “you are what you repeatedly do”

So what can you start repeatedly doing that the ideal version of you will thank you for later?

Take deep breaths

Stress and breathing is directly connected

The deeper your breaths, the less stress your brain has

The more shallow your breaths, the more stress is created in your brain

Make a habit of taking deep belly breaths more often than you don’t

It took time but I was able to change my default breathing from the shallow lung breathing to the deep belly breathing

It feels so good in ways that you wouldn’t think 

Also, practice box breathing every day

If you practice it, using box breathing when you need it is easier

Box breathing goes like this:

  1. Breathe in for 4 seconds
  2. Hold for 4 seconds
  3. Breathe out for 4 seconds
  4. Hold for 4 seconds
  5. Repeat

This is excellent for high-stress times

Being able to keep your mind during high stress and depend on yourself is a huge confidence boost

Read more

Reading is excellent

And it doesn’t have to be non-fiction!

Read what you love

Reading is excellent for your brain and helps even out your emotions

Sometimes you need to take a step back and come back fresh

I find that reading is the best way to “take a step back from my life”

That’s because, for a little while, I am in a different world instead of here

Reading is also connected to success and feeling good

Every successful person that I have listened to recommends reading more books

Take small steps instead of large ones

I mentioned this once but it is really important

Take small steps!

Nothing hurts confidence more than being really excited about a goal and then failing

You are way more likely to fail when you take on too much at once

It is better to take on 4 small goals that you can succeed at (one at a time) than one large goal that you fail at on day 3

Working out more is an example

I have been trying to work out more for years 

I either don’t do anything or I try working out daily

But I never last more than 2 weeks before going back to not working out

This time, I started by working out for 15 minutes a week on Mondays

I am on week 3 right now and I don’t have the urge to quit

Once that is easy then I will increase it to twice a week

By doing small steps, I will reach my goal “slower” but I am way less likely to quit

Be careful who you spend time with

We are the sum of who we spend time with

Are you spending time with people that hype you up and love you?

Or are they cutting you down to feel good about yourself?

Being around the right people is very important for confidence

You need to have a circle that helps you, but a circle that is just as much of a battle as the rest of the world

Dress nicely

As a mom, this one is hard for me

But sometimes getting dressed can do a lot for your confidence

You feel more ready for the day and it is often one of the easiest successes in the morning

If you start your day by making your bed and getting dressed, you have completed two tasks first thing in the morning and it sets your day off  right

You don’t have to get crazy, but set some decent clothes out the night before and get dressed in the morning

You will get a little confidence and an energy boost!

Practice saying no 

Saying no is really hard for people pleasers

And I find that most people are people pleasers right now

I think it stems from the way we were raised

But we don’t want to disappoint people or make them upset, so saying no is really hard

I am not perfect at this and actually still have a long way to go

But learning to say no is important for your confidence

Start small with things that aren’t a big deal

Saying no is a skill that you have to learn and practice

So start with little things that don’t matter as much and build up to the harder things that stress you out to say no to

You got this!