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Every mom knows the feeling

You are about to have your first baby and everything is so overwhelming

Things are a little less crazy when you have more kids, but that first is intense

My first pregnancy was twins

So I went from not being a mom to being a mom of two in about 5 minutes

The learning curve was crazy, but I did learn a lot

Some of my favorite tips for new moms are:

  1. Create and stick to a daily routine
  2. Ditch perfectionism
  3. Plan out your day realistically
  4. Don’t overcommit
  5. Get to know your kid deeply
  6. Use that knowledge to best parent them
  7. Let others help you without hovering
  8. Stay present
  9. Fed is best
  10. Create traditions 
  11. Be prepared, but don’t overstress
  12. Be careful who you vent to
  13. Be a good role model
  14. Be very transparent about money and expectations with your partner
  15. Take time for creative play
  16. Focus on little changes
  17. Work on sleep training
  18. Trust your gut
  19. Help your kids learn some independence
  20. Be willing to admit when you’re wrong
  21. It is ok to need a break or a time out
  22. Don’t compare yourself or your kid to others
  23. Get into the stories and have fun!
  24. Pay attention to your screen time
  25. Spend time outside
  26. Get into the crazy and fun moments
  27. Use math in your daily conversation
  28. Stay consistent with your rules
  29. Try to encourage curiosity, even why the endless whys come
  30. Practice gratitude
  31. Fail forward

I am not a parenting expert and I am still learning every day

But if what I have learned so far helps you, then I am happy to share!

Create and stick to a daily routine

Our daily routine saved me when I was a new mom

I had others tell me that it isn’t a big deal to break routine sometimes, but it was a big deal to me

My kids knew what to expect throughout the day

This made everything easier

Nap time was smoother, bedtime was easier, and they woke up at the same time every day

Routines not only made things easier for my kids, but they also helped me

I didn’t need to think about what needed to be done

Yes, cleaning time looked different every day, but it was always cleaning time

Test some things out when making a routine

Some people like strict routines while others like 3-hour time blocks

There is no right answer here

Just find what works for your family

Ditch perfectionism

I have been a perfectionist for as long as I can remember

But perfectionism and motherhood do not go together

Motherhood is messy, exhausting, and a game of picking your battles

Embrace the mess and be willing to go along with the chaos

Sometimes all you can do is laugh and move on

Plan out your day realistically

Planning out your day is one step further than making a routine

Every morning I sit down and figure out a few things that need to be done that day

Then I decide when I am going to do those things

I put my plan into Google calendar and have it remind me when those times come

I got a little $30 watch on amazing that gives me phone notifications and that keeps me on track throughout the day

My goal is to do all my thinking at once so I can just get things done throughout the day

Don’t overcommit

I am the master at overcommitting myself

I have struggled with not over or under committing

But I believe that overcommitting is worse as a new mom

I remember the exhaustion clearly

It was everything I could do to keep up with the kids, house, and try to keep my marriage alive

There are so many beautiful moments as a new mom

But it is so hard

It is ok to say no to the things that are immediately important

It is ok to focus on surviving

Get to know your kid deeply

There are a million people out there that will give you parenting advice

They will tell you what the “right” way to do things are

I encourage you to focus on just getting to know your child

They are really small and inexperienced people

Just like all people have different needs and wants, so do kids

Enjoy just getting to know every part of them

You’ll be surprised how much you could learn

Use that knowledge to best parent them

As you are learning more about your kids, use what you have learned to best support them

I have twins but their needs are very different

One of my kids needs a lot of hugs and kisses when he is hurt

And the other doesn’t like to be touched at all but wants me to just sit with him

There is no perfect way to parent, but you can make an amazing system with the knowledge you get from getting to know your kids

This is a never-ending process

I just recently figured out how to help one of my kids with learning new words more effectively 

No matter how much you learn, there will always be change and more to learn

But that is one of the best parts of being a mom

You get to see and help guide these amazing little people as they figure themselves out

Let others help you without hovering

This is a struggle for a lot of moms

We get used to doing it all, and we struggle to allow others to help

And if they do help then we are struggling to let them do it their way

This isn’t healthy

Yes, someone may do things differently than you would

And it can be hard to see that happen

But you need to get to the point where you do one of two things

  1. Communicate a need if its that important 
  2. Let it go

Our towels need to be folded a certain way to fit on the shelf

That is a need that needs to be communicated to someone helping

You do not need to do it all

You shouldn’t do it all

Accept (or even ask!) help and then let go of the control

Stay present

Staying present has been a huge challenge for me but it is very helpful for moms to do

It can be easy to overwhelm ourselves with thoughts of the future or be hard on ourselves with thoughts of the past

But doing that to ourselves isn’t helpful

Yes, it is important to plan for the future

But it isn’t good to worry or obsess over the future

If you are like me, take a few moments throughout the day to ground yourself

Think about the details of what is happening right now

What does your house smell like?

Just think of it. Don’t judge it

What are your kids doing right now?

Like details

Focus 100% on the now

Even on the worst days, you’ll find yourself feeling a little better

Fed is best

You have likely seen a lot of drama on social media about breastfeeding, formula feeding, picky eaters, etc

I am an overproducer of milk and I love to cook healthy meals

I never thought that I would struggle with feeding my kids

They have really bad texture aversions that make finding things that they will eat very hard

The stress I had when I realized that my kids did not eat well was intense

Sometimes things happen that you don’t have control over

There are things that you can do to make it better

I dehydrate fruit and vegetables to get those food groups in for my kids

But at the end of the day, fed is best

It may not be what you envisioned or what you wanted

But if they are fed and doing well, it is a win

Create traditions 

I think we all grew up with holidays and traditions

We have different ones depending on family and culture, but I think most people have some

A great part of being a new mom is that you can choose what traditions to keep and if you want to make new ones

We celebrate a lot of the holidays and traditions I grew up with, but we have new ones too

We celebrate the seasons and we have small traditions that align with the moon

Have fun!

Find what is important to you and make a big deal of it

I do a lot of cooking so most of our traditions involve food

You don’t have to do the same

Your traditions could be anything

It could be travel, family nights, movies, etc

The possibilities are endless

We need something to look forward to in order to stay sane

Traditions are excellent for that

Be prepared, but don’t overstress

Being prepared is a requirement of motherhood

Kids are messy

You need the supplies to take care of them

Just don’t let it go too far

I like to pack a diaper bag with a checklist

That bag is always ready for when we leave

Every night, I check the bag and checklist to make sure everything is there

Then I relax and stop worrying

If you end up needing something that is not on the list, you can either add it for next time to make sure you are prepared to buy something at the store when you sometimes need that item

Be careful who you vent to

I learned this one the hard way

I had someone that I really trusted as a new mom but turns out that I shouldn’t have trusted them

Sometimes you need to vent

That doesn’t make you a bad mom

But choosing someone to vent to is hard

Now I just journal

I vent to my journal

It is a safe place and I don’t have to be worried about broken trust

Be a good role model

Be the change you want to see in the world

Your kids are going to watch you

And they are likely to copy you

So be a role model of who you want them to be

Now this isn’t including things like personal preference and sexuality

I am talking about patience, kindness, perseverance, and other similar qualities

Your kids will learn from you, so start teaching yourself the things that you want them to learn too

Be very transparent about money and expectations with your partner

When I first got married, I was terrible at communicating

Like… Terrible

I was always anxious about money and he was a spender

He was always pretty good at talking about expectation, but I was not good at it at all

A partnership takes two

The difference in our marriage and family dynamic has been amazing with increased communication

It is a lot of hard work to find a system that works, but it is so important

Take time for creative play

The creative play looks a little different for different people

I like to play single-player video games or make things

My husband likes all kinds of games

But playing is needed

I saw it as optional for a long time but it isn’t

Creative play keeps you happy and sane

It is important for both parents to have an outlet

I have never felt better than I do now that I make play a priority

It doesn’t have to be a lot

But I really encourage at least a little play every week

Focus on little changes

Motherhood is pretty sudden

Yes, you get some training while pregnant

At least you get used to waking up many times a night

But most parts of motherhood start very suddenly after the baby is born

Don’t try to change everything that isn’t required to change at the same time

Unless needed, don’t try any big diet changes, moves, or new habits

You make the most progress with the small changes

So get used to life as a new mom, then add one little thing at a time until you reach your goals

It is easier to climb a mountain by taking small steps than it is climbing the steep walls

Work on sleep training

There is a lot of controversy about sleep training

But there are many ways of doing it

You can sleep train with co-sleeping, cry it out, or many other ways

But I know that sleep training did wonders for us

Do the research and see what works best for your family

Trust your gut

Every mom (and human) had a gut instinct and it is usually on point

If something feels wrong, listen to it

If something feels right, listen to it

But try not to mistake your gut instinct for anxiety

Help your kids learn some independence

Kids are messy

It can be easy to try to do it all for them

It is cleaner and faster that way

But kids need to practice and learn

Not only does some independence help them, but it helps you too

I like to offer choices

They can choose between shirts or shoes

Or they can choose if they want help with something

Just make sure that both choices are good choices for you

You want them to have freedom but it needs to be a win-win for you

Be willing to admit when you’re wrong

I haven’t had a hard time admitting that I was wrong but I have struggled with being mad at myself that I was wrong

You are allowed to be wrong and you are allowed to learn from your mistakes

Give yourself the grace needed to allow that

Admit when you make mistakes, learn from them, and then move on

It is ok to need a break or a time out

There is a difference between a break and a time out

A break is something you should get regularly

It is preventative and helps you stay sane

A time-out happens when you are already overwhelmed

When you can feel yourself about to explode, so you remove yourself from the situation for a minute to regulate and calm down before returning

Both are ok and both are needed

Don’t compare yourself or your kid to others

Comparison is the thief of joy

I have two special needs kids

But they aren’t diagnosed

It is so hard to not compare

I see other kids the same age telling their mom that they love them and having full conversation

While my kids barely sign the words eat and drink

Comparison is not good for you or your kids

Comparing yourself to other moms isn’t fair either

Moms on social media are only showing the highlights

If you have people on social media that don’t make you feel good about yourself, maybe it is time to unfollow those people

Get into the stories and have fun!

We have all heard that we need to read to our kids

We are told that all the time

I encourage you to take it one step further

Really get into the stories!

Have fun!

Act out the scenes and use fun voices

It will be more enjoyable for both you and your kids

Pay attention to your screen time

We are told to be careful with our kids’ screen times, but our screen time isn’t mentioned as often

It is so easy to get lost on social media

Take a look at your phone and see how much time you are spending on it

You may be surprised

At my worst, I was spending 4 hours a day on my phone

This was not good for me, my to-do list, or my family

I now have screen limits to help me avoid the scroll hole

Spend time outside

Outside time is amazing for you and your kids

I like to spend a little time in the late afternoon to help avoid the afternoon slump

And I like to spend a little time outside in the evening to get energy out of my toddlers before bed

Fresh air is great, sunlight is important, and connecting to nature is so helpful

Get into the crazy and fun moments

Similar to ditching perfectionism, get into the crazy and fun moments

The moments that appear have the ability to turn into stressful moments or silly ones

You choose

It is hard, but learn to laugh when nothing can be done

You can have a conversation later or learn to avoid a situation altogether

Use math in your daily conversation

There are always chances to learn and teach your kids

When you are cooking, have them house the eggs that are going into the bowl

Or talk about how many slices are in the pizza

Make it fun and enjoyable

There are countless chances to work on math and learning if you are willing to watch for them

Stay consistent with your rules

Kids need consistency

They get anxious and act up more when they don’t know where the boundaries are and what the rules are

They will still test them but it will be worse if the rules are always changing

If you say that something is not ok, then stick with your word

Even if enforcing the rule feels like too much work

Try to encourage curiosity, even why the endless whys come

Curiosity is a beautiful thing that we often lose when we are teens and adults

And I get it

Getting asked “why” a million times a day is exhausting

But there are other ways of stopping that without discouraging curiosity

Ask questions

Ask “why do you think that is?”

Have them think

You can also encourage them to ask great questions throughout the day

Teach them to ask questions

It is a powerful skill that will help them their entire life

Practice gratitude

Practicing gratitude is one of my favorite habits

Motherhood is exhausting

It can be easy to get so busy dealing with disaster after disaster

Every evening, take 5 minutes (or less) to think of three things that happened that day that you are thankful for

Get specific

Instead of saying that you are thankful for your kids, say that you are thankful for that silly moment when you were outside

This teaches your brain to look for the good moments

Trust me, it is life-changing

Fail forward

My last tip is to fail forward

There will be mistakes and failures

Instead of being upset at yourself, learn from them

Use your failures to move forward