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I remember the heartbreak and guilt that I felt the first time I  thought to myself…

“I can’t believe that I don’t enjoy being a mom”

I wanted to be a mom for so long and now I have 4 years olds and its a struggle

One thing that we aren’t warned about as moms are that are times when you don’t enjoy being a mom

So the first time that feeling hits is emotional and guilt-ridden

But that doesn’t mean you are a bad mom!

If you are not enjoying being a mom, maybe:

  1. You are burnt out
  2. You make bad moments turn into bad days
  3. You feel out of control
  4. Your expectations are not aligning with reality
  5. You are lonely
  6. You don’t get enough fun time
  7. Your partner isn’t meeting expectations
  8. Money is tight
  9. You are trying to be super mom

Take a close look at that list

None of them are “because you are a bad mom!”

They are all fixable in some way

You are human and being a mom is hard

So let’s look closely at some reasons you may not enjoy being a mom

PS. These are just some reasons and not an exclusive list

You are burnt out

Burnout is a common problem for moms

Burnout happens when you are doing too much that takes energy and not enough that gives you energy

Is there a better sentence that explains motherhood for many moms?

We don’t have time to eat, drink, sleep, have fun, take a shower, and more

And our days are filled with screaming children, cleaning, cleaning the same thing again, running errands, taking care of appointments, and more

If you are worried about burnout, read this article on recovering from burnout and this article on preventing burnout

You make bad moments turn into bad days

We have have days when we say “this was a bad day”

But was it really?

Or did you have some bad moments?

That is the language that I changed in my home

When my kids are struggling, I ask if they are having a rough moment

But many people will see one bad moment and say that they are having a bad day

Every day as a mom will have bad moments, but it is our choice and language that will give that moment power to become a bad day

You feel out of control

I can’t tell you how out of control I have felt throughout my motherhood journey

I had all these plans on how I was going to set my kids up for success by teaching them English, ASL, and Spanish

And that I was going to start working on reading and the alphabet early

Now my kids are 4 years old and have been diagnosed with a learning delay

Now they are possibly being diagnosed with autism

I have never felt more out of control and I felt like I was failing my kids

But sometimes you have to let go of the expectations you had and just live in the moment

When I stopped comparing myself and my kids to the vision I had, I was able to start seeing all the good that was invisible before

Think about the things that you can control and work on letting go of the things you can’t control

Your expectations are not aligning with reality

Similar to the last one, expectations can really mess you up  as a mom

Listen to anyone that is talking about their future kids and you will hear expectations

  • They will eat what I make without complaint
  • They will never get screen time
  • They will never throw a fit in the store

We need to let those expectations go and focus on reality because they are rarely aligned

When you spend time and energy holding onto expectations that are not aligning, you will feel inadequate and you will feel like a failure

Your kids are their own person with thoughts and opinions

And they will be their own person regardless of your expectations

So get to know them on a personal level instead of holding onto the image that you had before kids

You are lonely

Motherhood can be very lonely and assolated

I have times when I am desperate for a conversation

My kids aren’t talking so I don’t even have that

But there is no replacement for adult conversation

You may not enjoy being a mom because you are lonely

And that is very valid!!

There are options but they take work

Some moms feel like lonely connecting with social media friends

But I recommend real-world friendships too

One way to get those is by taking your kids to the park

When you are there, talk to other moms that have kids around the same age

Make conversation and offer your phone number to schedule a playdate

They are likely just as lonely as you are

You don’t get enough fun time

Fun time?

What’s that?

Having the time for enjoyment is hard when you have kids

They are destructive and a handful all the time

But if you are not having enjoyment in your life, no wonder you aren’t enjoying being a mom

You didn’t stop being a person when you became a mom

My solution is getting up 10 minutes earlier or spending 10 minutes before bed on something I enjoy doing

It doesn’t have to be a lot of time

You just need to have the time

Your partner isn’t meeting expectations

I had expectations on my partner for a long time, but I also was terrible at communicating expectations

So I just wanted him to magically know what I wanted and needed from him

Obviously, that didn’t work

Once I was able to communicate and once we made a plan together, that improved my happiness a lot

But not all moms have a partner willing to change and help

If that is you and you have communicated your needs

Something needs to change

First look at your expectations

I was a chronic over worker and expected my husband to match that energy

That was not a fair expectation

But it is fair to expect your partner to participate as a parent and clean up after themselves

You need a partner, not an eldest child

Money is tight

Money is a hard subject and can cause so many issues

When you don’t have the money to survive, being happy feels impossible

There was a time when our bills were $600 more than our income

That was so stressful and we went into so much debt

Sadly the only way to fix this one is to find a solution to the money issues

I worked hard to reduce our bills and my husband worked hard to find a better-paying job

Between the two, we were able to improve our situation

I decided to become a surrogate and that paid off our debt

Now I am doing it again to buy land with cash

The first step to fixing money issues is being aware of the issue and making small steps toward improving that stress

You are trying to be super mom

I think every mom goes through a stage when they are trying to be supermom

It isn’t healthy for anyone

We try to be perfect and do it all

But we aren’t meant to do it all

Kids need to learn to be self-sufficient

All kids need to learn to cook, clean, and be an adult someday

They also don’t need a perfect mom

They need a mom that goes through the same struggles that they go through 

And they need a mom that shows them how to get through those struggles

Your faults are not a weakness

They are an essential part of being human

If you were perfect (no one is), your kids would compare themselves to you

They will never feel like you are reachable

So stop trying to be supermom

Ask for help, give tasks to others, and don’t be ashamed of mistakes