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Attention: I talk about my story and struggles including self-harm. Only continue if it is safe for you

I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and PTSD in 2015. I decided that I wanted to try natural healing before trying medications

Affirmations for anxiety and depression were part of that healing process

I fully believe in a holistic approach to health

Not one thing will fix all your problems alone

But affirmations are powerful for the mindset

My mental habits were harmful and destructive

I hated myself and everything about me

Affirmations for anxiety and depression help you change those mental habits to ones that are healthier

This was a several year process for me

I am just being upfront and honest

I did not see a change until I realized there was a BIG change

Try not to get discouraged

And start small

 Affirmations for Anxiety and Depression

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are statements about life that you want to be true but don’t think that they are yet

They are the process of creating a new mental habit

I struggled with anxiety and depression for most of my life

I started in middle school, and it got bad fast.

The worse I got, the more people left me, which only made me worse

It got to the point when my first thought when those waves of emotional pain came was I needed to find a blade

I had unintentionally learned that the physical pain lessened the emotional pain, and created a habit

Throughout my healing journey, breaking habits that I made during that time was extremely hard

Affirmations work the same way

When things happen in your life, your reaction is a habit

If you look in the mirror and the first thought is “god, I’m ugly”

That is a habit

It is easier to replace a habit than it is to just break one

So affirmations help you replace those habits that harm you with ones that build you up stronger

After time, the hateful thoughts and actions start to disappear

I used more than affirmations to defeat my self harm, but it was an easier option to start with

When you first start affirmations, you may feel a lot of resistance

Your mind will think of these statements as lies for a long time

You’ll hear the 21 day rule

As someone who has walked this path before, it will likely take longer than 21 days

Don’t go into this will a time frame of expected success

Take it one day at a time

Then you’ll realize the change one day in the future

This is a slow process

But you got this!

How do affirmations work?

Affirmations are statements that help you change your mental habits and identity

The subconscious mind is powerful but doesn’t have the ability to tell the truth apart from a lie

The more something is repeated out loud, in your head, or in writing

The more the subconscious believes it and changes your thoughts and identity

When struggling with anxiety and depression, those thoughts were so harmful

I hated myself and saw negatives even when there weren’t any

I stressed about things that did not happen yet and probably never would happen

And I pushed people I loved away because I did not see how it was possible to love me

Those things were part of my identity, and affirmations were a powerful tool to change the narrative

I spent a little time every day going through affirmations that I wanted to be true, but I didn’t believe

I had a process to make it easier

  1. Take a three deep breaths
  2. Name three things that I was thankful for
  3. Repeat the affirmations I was working with three times
  4. Take three more deep breaths

When you start, have a quick and simple process like that

The easier it is, the less likely you are to skip it

My process took less than 5 minutes

 Affirmations for Anxiety and Depression

What can affirmations do for my anxiety and depression?

Affirmations are a slow change

That is good and bad

It will take a long time to notice a different

But the change will last longer

I did my 5 minute process most days, and I started noticing a difference after a year or more

I didn’t even know if affirmations could help my anxiety or depression

You’ll see people use the 21 day rule, but it took longer for me

There was a lot of mental resistance to work through

Not only did I have to learn mental habits…

I had to unlearn many as well

Affirmations is not the fix all for anxiety and depression, but they made the process of healing smoother

You are going to struggle with any goal that doesn’t align with your identity

When anxiety and depression rule that identity, affirmations help you unlearn those mental habits so make room for the life you want

So think of affirmations as one brick of your foundation

Alone it isn’t going to do a lot

But it is a great place to start

And creates something amazing when you add more and more bricks

I gave you some examples of affirmations for anxiety and depression below

You can take them word for word, or use them as inspiration 

Remember that resistance will happen before change happens

29 Affirmations for Anxiety and Depression

  1. Everything is working out for my greatest good
  2. I have survived every bad day, and this will be no different
  3. I am powerful in this moment
  4. I have the power to change my thoughts
  5. I forgive myself for everything
  6. I am creating a future of freedom
  7. I am loved
  8. I love myself deeply
  9. I let the thoughts that don’t serve me go
  10. I have compassion for myself
  11. I deserve every good thing that I want
  12. I live in love, joy, and peace
  13. I do not have to prove myself to anyone
  14. The past is over, and I learned how to be better without judgment
  15. I welcome love and miracles in my life
  16. I am in the process of positive change
  17. I listen to my body with love and compassion
  18. I choose happiness today
  19. I am in charge of my feelings and my life
  20. I am at home in my body and mind
  21. I set myself free from guilt of the past
  22. I set myself free of fear of the future
  23. I can survive and thrive in any situation
  24. I am a gift for the people around me
  25. I believe people when they say they love me
  26. I take time to care for myself every day
  27. Every victory is worth celebrating
  28. My best looks different every day, but it is always good enough
  29. I am a survivor

Remember that depression and anxiety are serious conditions

Do not face this alone and remember you can always get help

What if I don’t have the energy for my affirmations?

One of the major symptoms I got from my depression and anxiety is lack of energy

They jsut destroy it!

To the point where even things like showers and brushing your teeth feel like immense tasks.

So what do you do when you just don’t have the energy for affirmations

Just because it isn’t physical doesn’t mean its not an issue

Mental exhaustion is very real!

The first thing I recommend it giving yourself grace

This is not easy and let’s not pretend it is.

Second thing I recommend is creating a plan when you are feeling okay

Maybe you normally do 10 affirmations for a total of 5 minutes in the morning normally

If you don’t have the energy, shoot for 1 or 2 affirmations instead

Take a deep breath in, and then state them with the exhale

Another option is to repeat the affirmations if your mind

It isn’t as strong but that’s ok!

5% is better than 0%

That is a concept I have had to work really hard on 

I tend to be an “all or nothing” kind of person

I was that student that had a MELTDOWN over getting a problem wrong on my homework

Perfectionism is a terrible partner with depression

But at the end of the day, 5% really is better than 0%

Make a plan for when you are having a hard day, week, or month

Have that plan written down and easy to access.

You don’t want to do any thinking or decision making when you are having an episode

Do the best you can and don’t quit!


At the end of the day, depression and anxiety are very real and very difficult to live with

I spent years running from it and struggling with it

Affirmations are powerful, but they are not a stand alone

They are one piece to your weapon against your illnesses

Since they don’t require a lot of work or energy, affirmations for anxiety and depression may be a great place to start your road to healing

They can do amazing things, but are not likely to cure your depression or anxiety

They are just a tool

And they are a slow working tool

If you are using affirmations for anxiety and depression, chances are that you have many beliefs that will have to be unlearned before the affirmations make a noticeable difference

I am not trying to discourage you from using them in your life!

But I do want to be transparent and give real expectations

It took over a year for me to notice a change when I started

And that included the countless times I fell off the bandwagon and had to start again

Even with those times I stopped, they still did help in time

I use them more now than I did because every time I heal one belief that doesn’t serve me, another seems to surface

The road to healing from our past and becoming stronger never ends

There will always be something to heal from

But you will get better at it with time

I can honestly say that I went from being high risk from my depression to my doctor not being concerned at all

Even with that, I still struggle from time to time

I still have anxiety attacks sometimes

They just happen less often and are shorter lasting

I still struggle with depression sometimes

But  recover in hours instead of weeks or months now

If you are just starting your journey, realize that there is no one size fits all

I encourage you to find a professional that can help you

Be picky choosing one though

I chose wrong and it set me back

If you can’t run, walk

If you can’t walk, crawl

Don’t be afraid to rest when needed

But never stop