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One of the major things I struggle with is mom guilt, which is why I created these affirmations for mom guilt!

I had crazy expectations of myself

Then to confirm these expectations… I looked at other moms who seemed to have it all together

I held on to those expectations, even when those same moms told me that they aren’t doing that

Everyday, I expected the impossible from myself and suffered from massive mom guilt because of it

It made me miserable

And it made my family miserable

I have been working with my affirmations for mom guilt for a few months now

And it is far from gone, but that guilt is WAY better than it once was

I want to life a happy life

I don’t want the miserable version of me to be what my kids remember

They learn by watching me

So I spend a little time every day to be the best version of myself that I can be

Affirmations For Mom Guilt

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are statements that you repeat that can change your identity and perception of life

We are two parts of our mind, the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is the part that we control (at least mostly), but it is not nearly as powerful as the subconscious mind

The subconscious mind is the part that we cannot control

It is in charge of creating our life rule book

How we naturally react, the thoughts that pop up automatically, and the way we see life in general

The subconscious mind is very powerful, but not able to see the difference between the truth and a lie

So it takes the thoughts we choose and our experiences to create an identity with

And there is nothing our conscious mind can do because it is just so much more powerful

The good news is that we can change our life rule book and identity because tricking the subconscious mind is pretty easy

It just takes some time

That is where affirmations come in. 

These are statements that you WANT to be true but don’t think they are right now

The more you say them, the more the subconscious will believe them and change your life

How do affirmations work?

Affirmations create new mental habits

Our lives are built of habits and beliefs

That includes how we see ourselves!

Affirmations can help you see yourself and everything around you the way you want to see it

If you are here, I assume that you struggle with mom guilt 

And you want to get better

Our kids learn from watching us

That was the big reason why I started affirmations and other methods of healing!

I do not want to pass down this guilt to my kids

Affirmations can work quickly, as quick as 21 days

You will see that number a lot as you look at habits and affirmations

But I find that most habits and affirmations take longer

Instead of going into this will the mindset..

“I’ll try for the 21 days to see if it works”


“Doing this takes little time every day and can only help me. My goal is to spend a couple minute every day for the foreseeable future working on myself”

Choose a few statements that you WANT to be true

And keep using those for a long time

I keep using the same affirmations until I can look at myself in the mirror and confidently state them

With no imposter syndrome or negative reactions

The same as I would for any true statement

Everyday I follow the same process

  1. Take a few deep breaths
  2. Name 3 things that I am grateful for
  3. Say and write down each of my affirmations at least 3 times
  4. Take a few more deep breaths

This process can take as little as 5 minutes

Affirmations For Mom Guilt

What can affirmations do for my mom guilt?

Mom guilt is created and fueled by our mindset

What do we expect from ourselves?

A more interesting question… are our expectations even possible??

Affirmations help us change our mindset around our expectations

It can help you create a new identity where you are enough

Once your mindset is changed, mom guilt becomes WAY less of a problem

Imagine looking at your average day and feel accomplished, even if you didn’t do everything you hoped to do

Feeling accomplished and happy can change your life, and the lives of the people around you

29 Affirmations for Mom Guilt

  1. I love myself
  2. I do my best everyday, and that is more than enough
  3. I do not expect myself to do everything
  4. I ask for help without shame or guilt
  5. I love my kids, and that makes me a good mom
  6. I am an amazing mother, even if I got nothing done today
  7. My kids will remember me as a present and happy mom
  8. I am too grateful to be burdened with guilt
  9. Taking care of myself is necessary to take care of my kids
  10. I am strong and capable
  11. I fully embrace today and let go of expectations
  12. I do not have to be a perfect mom
  13. It is ok to apologize after an emotional moment
  14. Moms make mistakes too, and that it more than fine
  15. My home is a safe place for me and my family
  16. I can love my kids without loving every moment with them
  17. Being real is more important than being perfect
  18. If my kids are happy and fed, than mealtimes are a success
  19. I am aware that I cannot do it all so I will ask for help
  20. I give myself permission to spend time, money, and attention on myself
  21. I am enough and exactly who my kids need
  22. I want my kids to love themselves, so I will love myself to show them how
  23. My body is amazing because it created life
  24. I am a good mom, and good moms make mistakes
  25. I spent today creating memories with my kids
  26. I am a priority
  27. I am a person outside of motherhood
  28. My life is filled with joy and happiness, even in the midst of chaos
  29. I see the best in myself and the best in my child
Affirmations For Mom Guilt

These affirmations may feel wrong and uncomfortable

That is normal!

The affirmations that are uncomfortable are the ones you need to work on 

Every one of the statements are true if you are here

Want more mom affirmations? Click here!

It’s time to let go of the guilt so you can be the best mom you can be!

Which of these affirmations for mom guilt will you try first?