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As a mom who struggled in every area, I needed affirmations for struggling moms

Affirmations are powerful, but there are so many that it can be difficult to get started

It takes a lot of time using the SAME statement for it to start helping

Using affirmations is simple, but getting started can feel overwhelming

And busy moms do NOT have a lot of extra time to research the perfect affirmations!

So I decided to share what I found to get you started

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that show a reality that you want

If you want more confidence, an affirmation could be “I am powerful and everything I do makes a difference”.

When I was severely struggling as a mom, I felt lost

I did not know who I was anymore as a mother

I felt overworked and underappreciated

But at the same time, struggled to ask for the help I desperately needed

Affirmations were a huge part in changing that.

Our view on life and perception of our circumstances is controlled by our subconscious mind

And affirmations are a powerful tool to rewire our subconscious

We don’t realize it, but we say things about ourselves and our lives every day

We say things and we think things

And those things control our subconscious 

It can’t tell the difference between the truth and a lie

So it believes when we say and think over and over

And then builds our lives and perceptions around those statements

Affirmations work towards changing that narrative

How do affirmations work?

You are 42% more likely to reach a goal if you write it down often

Saying and writing down the things you want to become starts training your subconscious to believe that it is true

When something is part of your identity, your life will naturally fight to make it true

Affirmations are just statements that you want to be true

You unknowing create statements like them all day, and those statements become your reality

Some people naturally have positive statements throughout their day, but most people do not

I naturally focus on the things that I was not happy with

I thought it was my way of “making myself grow”

By constantly thinking about what needs to improve, I could do better the next day

But the statements I told myself were not helpful

And instead of helping me grow, they became my identity

I saw myself as unattractive because my love handles were bigger than I wanted

I saw myself as a failure as a mom because the dishes were left undone

Affirmations help you unlearn those statements and create a new identity

Instead of feeding those negative statements to your subconscious, you can feed it positive ones

What you focus on will increase in your life

Focus on who you want to be,

Not who you don’t want to be

Affirmations are a simple way to do that

Affirmations For Struggling Moms

How do affirmations help me?

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change

Many people, including myself, create a goal and try to force myself to achieve it

I try to my will to make it happen

I want to be a calmer mom, so I will pay attention to myself every moment

This almost always ends in frustration

That is because our conscious mind is not strong enough to overrule your subconscious mind

Affirmations help change the programing from the source

What if your reaction to your child accidentally hitting your face with a dart gun is not anger anymore?

You don’t have to force yourself out of anger because your reaction is a deep breath now

You have two options in life

Let your subconscious create your life rule book by taking random things and reactions

Or you can choose exactly what you want in your rule book

You can create the best version of you

That is how affirmations help you

They can’t do everything, but affirmations are a powerful and simple first step in creating the life that you want

Give yourself a lot of time though

Affirmations are not a quick fix. 

They don’t work on the first, second, or even twentieth time

But they last longer than the quick fixes

The change will be so slow and you may not even notice until you have gone far already

Just choose what you want to be true in your life, and stick with it

I encourage you to say them with as much energy as you can and write them down daily

Maybe even several times a day!

The more you repeat the affirmations for struggling moms of your choice, the stronger they will impact you

You can create your own affirmations by putting “I am” in front of statements that you want to be true

But I put some examples below to help you get started

I believe in you!

29 Affirmations for struggling moms

  1. I am doing my best, and that is more than enough
  2. I am built for this
  3. I am exactly what my kids need
  4. Memories of my kids playing with their mom are more important than a clean house
  5. I stay calm, even in the middle of chaos
  6. I am not just a mom, I am a badass mom!
  7. I am a loving and supportive mother
  8. I always do what is best for me and my child
  9. I like spending time with my child
  10. I deserve some time for myself
  11. I am doing my best to take care of my child, and that is more than enough
  12. My child is lucky to have a loving and supportive mother
  13. I am strong and creative. I will figure this out
  14. I am amazing at juggling all my roles
  15. There are a million ways to be a good parent. I am doing great.
  16. I am allowed to struggle and it is normal to do so
  17. It is ok to want a break
  18. I am kind to myself
  19. There is value in everything that I do
  20. My home is full of love and joy
  21. Everyone is learning and growing, including me
  22. I am allowed to be frustrated without guilt
  23. There are no bad emotions, they are just there to help us know how we are feeling
  24. I find joy in the small things around me
  25. I am a beautiful unicorn – one of its kind!
  26. My struggles make me stronger because I was made for this!
  27. It is ok to not be great at everything
  28. I acknowledge the bad things around me, but I always look for the good
  29. I release expectations and allow my family to be who we are

Want more mom affirmations? Check out this post