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Everything has good sides and bad sides, but as a busy mom, I needed to know…

Can vitamin D supplements make you tired?

I was trying to get healthier, but I could NOT afford to be MORE tired!

I have twin babies to take care of!

Honestly… I was not a big fan of supplements until recently, so I had little personal experience

So the research began

I needed to know if vitamin D supplements would help me, how to take them, and what to expect

I am a fan of knowing the whole story before I start

But before I get too deep, let’s start with the basics of this vitamin

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that aids the absorption of calcium

This aid helps promote healthy bones

Fat-soluble means that it dissolves in fat and oil instead of water

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in our tissue so that our bodies can access them when needed

As a stand-alone, Vitamin D improves your immune system, digestion, circulatory system, and nervous system

Research suggestions that it can help prevent many illnesses like:

  • Depression
  • Diabetes 
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease

The key is to get the amount you need 

Just like everything, taking too much Vitamin D is harmful

Too much of a good thing becomes a “poison”

Even too much water can make you sick!

Can Vitamin D Supplements Make You Tired?

What are natural ways to get Vitamin D?

There are many natural sources of Vitamin D around us.

One of the most famous is sunlight!

Vitamin D is referred to as the “sunlight Vitamin” because sunlight is one of the best sources for us

Your skin reacts to sunlight in a way that produces Vitamin D

Because your production of Vitamin D depends on your skin, there are factors that change how much is produced

Factors that include:

  • Skin tone
  • Age
  • Location
  • Season
  • Sunscreen
  • Clothing

Because there are so many variables, knowing if you’ve gotten enough sunlight to have healthy amounts of Vitamin D is hard

You can also get vitamin D by eating fatty fish and seafood

Seafood is one of the best foods for vitamin D, but the amounts you get depend on the seafood of choice

Mushrooms and eggs yolks are also good options to eat

Eating healthy is the most preferred way to get all the nutrients, but it is getting harder and harder to do

One of my favorite things to do is sun treat mushrooms to increase their vitamin D

Then I either capsule them or eat them

But not everyone has the ability, tools, and time to make something like that

High-quality supplements are a great option

It isn’t 100% natural because they are capsules, but natural supplements can fill the gap in your diet effectively

Just make sure that you know how much you need because vitamin D supplements make you tired and may have other side effects that I will talk about in a minute

How do I know if I need a Vitamin D supplement?

The best way to know if you are deficient in anything is by getting tested by a doctor

They will be able to tell you if you need a vitamin D supplement and how much you need to take

I found out that I was severely deficient when I was getting tested for surrogacy

To be a surrogate, I needed all my blood tests to come back pretty much perfect

So a vitamin D supplement was required for me to continue

Aside from getting tested, there are other signs that you may need more vitamin D

People that spend a lot of time indoors are often vitamin D deficient

Or if you don’t get a lot of sun where you live

I was deficient for 2 reasons

  1. I wore a lot of clothes because I am self-conscious about my psoriasis
  2. Oregon is rainy for eight months a year

Pretty much everyone in my state is vitamin D deficient

There are symptoms to watch out for, but some people don’t get any until they are VERY deficient

Since vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium, problems with your bones are common

Things that could happen include:

  • Weak bones
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Bone pain
  • Mood changes
  • Depression

If you think that you are vitamin D deficient, I encourage you to get a blood test done

This will confirm your thoughts and give you a guideline on how much more you need

If you have no starting point or end goal known, overdosing and underdosing become too easy

My doctor put me on 5000 IUs of vitamin D

I had taken supplements before, but none above 500 IUs

I needed more daily intake, but I would not have known that without the blood test

What is the best way to take vitamin D?

The best way to take vitamin D depends on your and your situation

But that answer isn’t helpful so I am going to give you guidelines based on my knowledge!

The best way to get vitamin D is by getting healthy doses of sunshine every day

But that isn’t possible for everyone

Like I said, it rains 8 months of the year where I live

So if you are like me and that isn’t an option, supplements are a great choice

But not all supplements are created equal

Tablets are not easily absorbed

Gummies taste good but are not very effective

Injections are nice, but can be expensive and have some risks

If I wasn’t making my own, soft gels are my personal favorite

They are normally small, easy to swallow, dissolve fast, and are easier on the stomach

But at the end of the day, what is best for me may not be what is best for you

Trying options and talking to your doctor is always a good idea

can vitamin d supplements make you tired

Can Vitamin D supplements make you tired or have any other side effects?

Vitamin D doesn’t have any side effects if you are taking the correct amount for you

But there are side effects if you take too much

Remember that vitamin D helps you absorb calcium?

Well, that is a good thing but can actually create too much calcium in the blood if you take too much vitamin D

Some time effects that you may experience if you take too much vitamin D include:

  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Frequent urination
  • Kidney problems
  • And more

That is why I suggested getting a blood test to find out if you need more and how much you need

These side effects happen because you start getting calcium buildup in your blood when you take too much vitamin D, which is called Hypercalcemia

If you think that your vitamin D supplements make you tired, I highly encourage a doctor’s visit to make sure you aren’t getting vitamin D toxicity

How much vitamin D should I take?

How much vitamin D you need depends on your situation, but it is often recommended to take between 1000 and 4000 IUs

This is enough for most people, but remember that you may need more or less depending on a number of different factors

Personally, I take 5000 IU a day of vitamin D

That is because I only get sun for about 3 months out of the year, and my diet doesn’t include enough

I also had the blood test to confirm that I need that much

People with darker skin or overweight need more vitamin D too

So even though 1000-4000 IUs is a good starting point, finding out your specific needs is always a good idea

If you are already taking it and feel symptoms like being tired, I would take it seriously until you know more

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice. This is based on my experiences and my research