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My family has a history of many mental disorders

It runs deep and it is something I have had to work through

But does low self-esteem run in families?

It doesn’t seem very medical

But when I look at my family, it looks like it does

After research, low self-esteem does run in genetics, but it isn’t the end all decision

Environments control a lot, and you can increase self-esteem later in life too

Is self-esteem something you are born with?

Self-esteem is how much we value ourselves and we are not born with it.

We learn to feel good about ourselves mainly through the experiences in our lives

There are studies suggesting that our self-esteem is influenced by our genes, but environmental factors seem to influence it more

Most children have built a concept of self-worth by the time they are 5 years old

Self-esteem is something that needs to be built and practiced.

So even if you or your child is struggling with it, you can develop it now

It isn’t too late, but the journey looks a little different for everyone

Low Self-Esteem Run In Families

How much of self-esteem is genetic?

Research has found that there is a gene that affects self-esteem

It can make building self-esteem easier or harder throughout life

But self-esteem is the product of how environmental factors affect the gene

So I will explain this using life examples

Now self-esteem (and poor mental health in general) runs in my family

We have more people who struggle than people who don’t… By far

So it is safe to assume that I have the gene as well

But the gene is affected by things that happen in my life

It is totally possible to have high self-esteem and life satisfaction, but it is harder than it would be for someone without that gene

My childhood did not give me the circumstances to fight the gene though

My environment made my low self-esteem worse

I had no plans in place to build my self-esteem, and many environmental factors decreased it

So yes, genes have a say in our battle for self-esteem, but they don’t have the final say

Through life experiences, social experiences, and mindset work, our environment is more powerful than the gene

Is low self-esteem caused by parents?

To say that self-esteem is cause and effect is a stretch, but it is a major factor

Parents have a lot of control over the environment their children live in

And the gene on top of that makes the parents even more responsible

But we are in control of our lives at the end of the day

The more factors that are not on your side, the harder building a powerful self-esteem will be

But it is still possible without the support of your parents

However, it may take time to be willing to try

Most of us have developed high or low self-esteem by the time we are 5 years old

This means that we have little control over it

We believe the things that we are told and what we see

Genes aren’t the only way that low self-esteem run in families

We learn from watching our parents too

For example, my father always told us that he loved us (good words) but never showed it with his actions

I read the lack of action as “I am not important enough”

So there is a lot that goes into building self-esteem as a child, and parents have a huge part to play

But if you did not have parents that helped you, you are still in control and can change your mindset with time and work

Low Self-Esteem Run In Families

11 Ways to Improve Self-Esteem

Nature vs nurture is a battle that has been going on for years

But evidence shows that they work together

You have the power to use experiences to shape how your genes work in your life

That will be a process

For me, I had to cut out friends and family that were holding me back and harming my mental health

It was so hard

But the difference it made in my life is amazing

The gene that creates low self-esteem has less power if you take out the experiences that active it in your life

There are many gives and takes that can improve your self-esteem

That way you can create the life you want even if low self-esteem run in families

1. Remove people and things that prevent your self-esteem from rising

I mentioned this one already but it needs a spot on this list

Remove the people from your life that prevent self-esteem from rising

The only people that are an exception are your children

But it is rare that they alone make moms stumble into low self-esteem

It is often our perceptions of our ability to be a mom that harms self-esteem

I, personally, cut out most of my family because they were constantly putting me down

They told me all the things I couldn’t do and discouraged me every chance I got

I even cut out my own father because he was mentally abusive and my mother for a year until she was willing to accept boundaries

Do what you need to do to heal your social health

You’ll be amazed how much it helps!

2. Master a new skill and make it a big deal

How often do you challenge yourself?

Maybe that is in the form of cooking a new meal

Or learning a new hobby

Whatever you choose, learn something new and make it a big deal

Tell yourself that you are proud and that you did amazing

If you are like me, it will feel super weird!

That is because I was not used to celebrating myself

I always focused on the negative and brushed over the positive

My view of myself changed a lot when I started focusing on the positive emotions and looking at the negative analytically

3. Always think of more good that you did in a day than bad

What we focus on increases in our life

A fun challenge based on this is from high five habit by Mel Robbins

She told us to look for a heart in our surroundings every day

Make sure to find at least one every day!

The more you do that, the more you will see hearts around you

You see, we have way too much information around us for our brains to process

It isn’t possible to notice everything!

So the brain notices what you tell it is important

By focusing on the bad things that you do, you will only notice the bad things

By focusing on the good things that you do, you will see more and more good every day!

That doesn’t mean that you should ignore the mistakes, but don’t focus on them

4. Identify and challenge limiting beliefs

This is an ongoing practice for me

I use videos, books, my speech, and more to identify my limiting beliefs

These are things that you believe that hold you back

“I am not a good mom”

“I am a terrible cook”

And so on

These are just beliefs and can be challenged!

Anything can be learned and improved

Once you are willing to work towards it

5. Build positive relationships

This is partnered with number one

Not only do you need to cut out toxic relationships…

You need to build positive relationships too

Connect with people that help you build your self-esteem

Real friends that you can trust

A real partner who loves you

Be picky about who you let into your circle because social health is very important for self-esteem

6. Use affirmations

I am a fan of affirmations

They are a low process, but they are quick and easy to add to your life

You’ll read that you need to do each affirmation for 21 days in a row, but I don’t believe that

Some statements will be so against your beliefs that you’ll struggle with learning them

I use affirmations until I can confidently say without a doubt

That can take a year!

Just keep going

7. Learn to give yourself and accept compliments

I struggle with compliments

I was not allowed to take ownership of anything positive as a child

Pride was not encouraged and I was only supposed to “give praise to God”

I am not against religion, but that harmed my self-esteem a lot

By learning to give yourself compliments and accept compliments from others, you start to realize that you are a really special person!

Focus on the good, not the bad

Learning this can help teach your children to accept complements too

One way to fight our genes when low self-esteem run in families

8. Do things that build confidence

This is a little different for everyone

My confidence went up a lot when I dyed my hair

I love it!

But others feel that with makeup, spas, activities, and more

Whatever makes you feel good, do more of that!

9. Watch your social media intake

Social media is good for a lot of things, but self-esteem is usually not one of them

We see the highlights of someone else’s life and compare them to our everyday life

We see Facebook comments drama

Hateful comments

And just the act of scrolling for too long can harm our mental health

I started limiting my social media time

If I want to be on longer, I need to learn something on YouTube

I unfollowed people that harmed my self-image

I lowered how much drama I read in the comments

And I deleted friends that didn’t encourage me to better myself

My goal is to have one day a week be social media (and electronic) free

10. Clean your environment

Clutter is terrible for our health

It hurts our physical health, mental health, and self-esteem

Living more minimalistic can be a hard change, but it’s worth it

I am still working on this

I spend at least two days a month going through and getting rid of stuff we don’t need

Things need to leave the house faster than they come in

Or at least at the same speed

11. Practice gratitude – include things about you

This is another part of focusing on the good

Practicing gratitude is powerful

Fear and gratitude cannot live together

Start the habit with what comes easy

Be thankful for your food, jobs, kids, etc

But I encourage you to start adding things about yourself

Be thankful that you can cook, clean, and be an amazing mom

Keep focusing on what you do good and you’ll see them increase

So… Does low self-esteem run in families?

Yes, low self-esteem can run in families

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t change that

You have power over your life

Change your thoughts and environment, change your world

Some people will win the battle for excellent self-esteem easily

While others, like me, have to mindfully work towards it daily

Whatever category you are in, you can do this

Remember that you have more power than you realize

It is time to use that and change your life

I would love to hear from you!

Does low self-esteem run in your family?