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Insecurities in moms come in a few different forms, but usually, it starts with how moms feel about themselves

Feeling unworthy or not enough can breed many behaviors that are not good for you or your kids

The best way to break the cycle of insecurity is by working on your self-image and creating a life outside of being a mom. If the only thing in your life is your kids, you will start losing your identity the older they get. We shouldn’t stop our kids from growing up

I know that having kids takes up most of your life

At least when they are young

I have two special needs 4-year-olds and a large portion of every day goes to them

And I am ok with that!

But my entire identity cannot be just being a mom

Because kids grow up

It is only natural to want to stop your identity from going away

So moms baby their kids, turn into toxic a mother-in-law or fail to teach kids the skills they need to succeed without them

Our job as parents is to raise our kids to be ready for the world in a loving and secure way

You can always be there for them, but you also need to allow them to leave the nest

Another way that insecurity comes out in moms is through their self-image

We think terribly of ourselves and refuse to believe that we are doing a good job

This is also unhealthy for both you and your kids

What is an insecure mom?

An insecure mom is a mom that isn’t secure in her role in motherhood

This can be through under-involvement, overinvolvement, or always believing she isn’t good enough

Three very different ways that insecurity can show up, but they have the same cause

A mother not having self-belief and not having an identity outside of being a mom

Or the opposite, refusing to take on any identity of being a mom

None of these circumstances are healthy

Identifying as a mom when you have a child is needed so you can take care of their physical, mental, and emotional needs

And overidentifying as a mom stops you from teaching them to meet those needs on their own as they get older

The last one, feeling insufficient as a mother, I think is the most common

I have struggled with it as well

I felt like I could do things every second of the day and it would still not be enough

I could still do better

But that isn’t healthy either

It is important to be a human before being a mom

You need to be able to take a break, take care of yourself, and you need to be happy

Happiness is limited when your biggest bully lives in your brain

How does being insecure affect my family?

It may feel like this is a problem that only affects you, but it doesn’t

It affects everyone

It affects your relationship with your kids and spouse, it affects the way your kids act, it affects your relationship with future in-laws, and more

This is really important

I know sacrificing your whole life feels like the right thing to do (thank you society for teaching us that) but it only hurts everyone involved

Thankfully, you are here!

That means you want to change

How do I work on my insecurities as a mom?

There are many ways to work on your insecurities, but I found that these are some of the most common;

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others or to your mental image
  2. Learn to go with the flow
  3. Your kids need a real mom, not a perfect one
  4. Learn to be your own best friend
  5. Stay connected with other moms
  6. Don’t lose your self-image
  7. Work on your own dreams and goals

Obviously, they help you in different ways, but they are all helpful in their own way

I recommend choosing 1 or 2 to start with and adding more when you get comfortable with the first ones

Stop comparing yourself to others or to your mental image

Comparison is the thief of joy

It really is and we know that

But it is so hard to stop!

You and your family are unique

And most comparisons happen on social media or in magazines

Most of those images aren’t real!

So you are comparing yourself to a fantasy

It isn’t fair to you or your family

There are a few options:

  • Remind yourself that things aren’t always how they seem
  • Take regular social media breaks
  • Unfollow people that don’t make you feel good about yourself

You can choose what you want to do

But if comparison is one of your struggles, then something needs to change

Learn to go with the flow

Going with the flow is something that perfectionists struggle with

Things are never going to be perfect

It is just not possible

If you keep trying to reach perfection, of course, you will never feel like you are doing enough!

When things start going crazy, instead of trying to fix everything…

Just go with it!

Unless it needs to be stopped

But be careful about your attitude even then

Kids will be kids

We can teach them but we should avoid punishing the kids out of the kids

Your kids need a real mom, not a perfect one

Going forward about being insecure about feeling like enough

Your kids don’t need a perfect mom

Perfect moms are actually not good for kids

Because they will never reach perfection

It is frustrating when they start struggling and they don’t know how to handle that because they have never seen someone work through struggles

Your kids don’t need a perfect mom

They need a real mom

A mom that messes up and shows them how to handle those mistake

A mom that is learning from those mistakes

You may not be able to be the perfect mom, but you can be the real mom

And that is always more than enough

Learn to be your own best friend

How many times have you heard “we are our own worst critic”

Why is that???

We need to learn to be our own best friend

How would you talk to your best friend?

Would you put her down for not washing the dishes last night?

Or would you tell her that things happen and that she is still a good mom?

If I had to guess, I would say the second one

Practice and learn being your own best friend and your own hype man

It is going to feel weird for a while

But force yourself to do it!

Get excited about every win

Even if that win is that your hair looks amazing

And give yourself grace and love with every mistake

If you wouldn’t do something to your best friend, don’t do it to you

Stay connected with other moms 

Staying connected is important

We talk about how it takes a village to raise a child

But most of us don’t get a village automatically

And the village is rarely the people who claim to want to help while you are pregnant

But you know who my village is?

It has 1 family member and several friends

I made a village through friendships with other moms

They get us like non-parents would never

Just be careful who you choose

There are a lot of toxic moms

One of my friends completely set up a birthday party for my kids and another friend

It was so sweet and amazing

She knew I couldn’t afford anything big and rallied together enough people to each contribute so the kids can have a fun party

That is what happens when you stay connected to other moms that are on the same page as you

It really is amazing

Don’t lose your self-image

Becoming a mom is sudden and intense

It can be so easy to lose yourself during the process

It is easy to get caught up in the never-ending to-do list and to stop doing things that make you who you are

Some dads do this too but they seem to be better at holding onto their identity

But it gets so frustrating when they want to do things and it feels like we never get that option

But if you are anything like me, you  probably haven’t asked either

Don’t lose sight of who you are when you become a mom

You are a person first, a woman second, and then a mom

That means you should have two full parts of your identity that are larger than being a mom

Don’t lose her and you’ll find yourself more secure than you ever have been

Work on your own dreams and goals

Don’t stop working on goals when you become a mom

It isn’t good for anyone

It hurts you and it hurts your kids

You will unintentionally feel obligated to things when your kids are older because of the sacrifices that you made

You may not be able to put your full focus toward your goals, but you can still make steps every day

If you need 20,000 steps, what is faster?

Taking 1,000 steps a year after waiting 18 years

Or taking 1 step a day while you are still raising your kids?

Yes, it will be less at once, but there is no waiting

You just make those dreams happen