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Confidence was never something I had a lot of

I struggled all the way through childhood, continued to struggle as a young adult, and it only got worse as a new mom

I needed to know how to build confidence after having a baby

I worked so hard on it, but it came fairly naturally after my twins

My body bounced back great, I was pumping more than enough milk, and still doing amazing in my career.

Then I decided to be a surrogate

It was an amazing experience, but so different

My body did not bounce back the same, my milk production dried before I wanted to it, and I was starting my journey as an online business owner

Everything was difference and my confidence was terrible

That is when I really needed to know how to build confidence after having a baby

Because it didn’t just happen that time

Everything Changes When You Become a Mom

Your mind, body, and everyday life drastically changes after you become a mom

It is no wonder why so many moms struggle with confidence

Confidence comes with practice and education

Most moms don’t have either one when they bring their baby home

The normal mom body is also not widely familiar

So the shock of seeing your new body can be intense

One of the things I believe that needs to change in society is the expectations on new moms

When I first gave birth to my kids, I was shocked when I still looked pregnant

I struggled with my new body, and I struggled to feel like I was doing the best for my kids

I had a lot more education than many moms since I studied child development to be a teacher

So I can’t image how other new moms without that education feel

Relationships change a lot with motherhood too

I lost a lot of friends

And my relationship with my husband struggled that first year with my twins

I look back at my life before kids now and it feels like an entirely different life

For a while, I really struggled with accepting those changes

But with a lot of work, I am more confident than ever

I still have a lot of work to do

I feel confident making decisions as a mom…


I still struggle with my mom body, but it is getting easier and easier to accept and love it

My biggest advice is to be patient with yourself and know that confidence takes time

But I believe in you!

How to Build Confidence After Having a Baby

How New Moms Gain Confidence

If you are looking to gain confidence, I am assuming that yours is low enough to affect your life

If so, you are like I was

I’ve slowly made progress through a lot of work on a daily basis

Gaining confidence takes time and thoughtful effort

There are two kinds of confidence

  1. External confidence
  2. Internal confidence

We want the second one!

Let me explain why…

External confidence depends on the people around you and doesn’t last wrong

You can have 10 people say that you are beautiful but you’ll believe the 1 that says you’re ugly

This confidence is super fragile and doesn’t last long without more validation

Internal confidence comes from you

It is strong and stable

And it doesn’t get affected when someone is rude to you

This confidence comes from your own beliefs 

Those beliefs determine how you see yourself and your life

People may or may not see the difference in you, but you will feel the power internal confidence gives you

There are many ways that new moms can gain that confidence

But all of them take time, patience, and practice

I am going to give you the actions steps that will help you build confidence after having a baby

How Your Confidence Affects Your Children

I know that most women I talk to would love to have more confidence

It is something we admire when we see others with it

But many women act like it is something you either have or you don’t have

Confidence is something that has to be built

Over and over

Someone can be confident without makeup,

But refuse to wear shorts because they are insecure

Confidence in general is important for everyone,

But extra important as a mom

That is because our confidence affects our children

The part of my body that I am most insecure about is my lower belly

The part that I saw my mom criticize many times on her own body

After that, it is my breasts

My mother wore modest shirts but made a big deal about mine being small

I don’t think she meant to but…

It taught me that I need large breasts to be beautiful

But don’t show them because that is inappropriate

I absorbed many of her insecurities by watching her

I did it with some other people too, but nowhere near as much I did with my mom

Imagine your kids talking to themselves the way that you talk to yourself

Do you like that?

If the answer is no, then it is time to work on your mindset

It is important for both you and your children

How To Build Confidence After Having a Baby

There are many ways to build confidence after having a baby, but here are 15 that I really like

I emotionally bounced back fast after my twins

I felt good about myself and my life

But I needed a lot of extra help when recovering from my surrogacy

I did not see my body the same way

I felt like something was missing for a while

The emotional toll was a lot greater

And all 15 of these helped me gain back confidence

Or even gain more than I had before

1. Affirmations

Confidence is a skill that you gain through practice

But your identity can impact how well you learn that skill

Our minds tell us all kinds of lies if we let it

Affirmations are statements that help us change our identity so something that serves us 

They take time to work, but they do work

If you need help getting started with affirmations, then check out this post

It gets you started with affirmations for moms

2. Be mindful of who you spend time with

One of the actions that I took that made the biggest impact was being mindful of my circle

This is in person and online

It was so difficult, but I cut out the people that were not helping me

I had uncles that were terrible for my mental health and confidence

They always had something negative to say

This was one of the hardest things I had to do, but it made  HUGE impact on my life

I don’t regret it at all

This also includes who you allow in your life through online interactions too

Follow people that are real

They show they ugly side, not just the highlights of their life

When I got used to seeing other moms proud of their body, becoming proud of mine got easier

Be careful who you spend your time with 

You are the sum of your circle

3. Self Care

This is critical!

Self-care needs to be a priority in your life

Even if it is just a few minutes a day

I strive to spend at least 10 minutes a day on self-care

Some days are easier than others

But it is so important to prioritize your needs and wants

4. Ask for Help

This is one that I am still working on

I find it SO hard to ask for help

I feel like a burden 

But that is where confidence comes in

We need to practice asking for help because it builds our confidence

You are not supposed to do it all

We are not meant to do everything, all of the time

But I forget that in order to get help, I need to ask for help

5. Make a List of Priorities

If you don’t plan your day, it will go crazy and do whatever it wants to do

Planning, even just a little, is so important

If you write down everything you do and put them in order of priority

(Don’t forget to prioritize your self-care)

Then it becomes easier to cut out the things that doesn’t need to be there

If you run yourself too hard and struggle to keep up, your confidence will suffer

You will see the day as a failure

And that will hurt your self-image

So decided what really needs to happen and what doesn’t is important

That way you can keep tip #10 easier

6. Create goals inside and outside of motherhood

It can be so easier to let motherhood take over your entire life

The problem is that building confidence in motherhood alone is that external validation

And puts so much pressure on our kids

I’m not saying to stop making goals in your mom journey, but make some outside of motherhood too

That way you continue to practice your confidence skills internally

7. Make small steps

This is something that I had to learn over and over again

I tend to make huge steps towards my goals, and then fall off the wagon because it was too much

Taking small steps toward building confidence will last longer

You are less likely to give up when the steps are small and easy

Remember that confidence is a skill

And skills take time to learn

8. Find an exercise that you like

Exercise is a powerful thing for your health

It helps with everything

But instead of going into exercise with the goal of losing weight or gaining muscle

Go into it to find something you love and makes you feel good

For me, that is Yoga

It doesn’t always help with my weight and muscle goals…

But I feel SO good when I am done

I feel peaceful

Find something that does that for you

What is something active that you can do that will make you feel good?

9. Learn a new skill

I love learning

It makes me feel so good to go from knowing nothing about something to successful completing a task

It always gives me a confidence boost!

And reminds me that I can learn anything if I want to

I don’t know if that is something you feel too, but it is a go to confidence boost for me

How to Build Confidence After Having a Baby

10. Don’t let yourself break a promise you make yourself

This is a hard one for me

When I tell myself that I am going to do something, I need to do it

Because breaking promises to yourself harms your self confidence a lot

It teaches your mind that your wants don’t matter

Would you not show it to someone else when you promised to be there?

Probably not

I still struggle with this in the morning

I want to get up earlier, but the will to do that when my bed is calling is TOUGH

So I did tip #7

Make small steps

I started with waking up 15 minutes earlier

And when that was a habit

I went 15 minutes earlier again

Make promises that set yourself up for success, and then follow through

11. Do 30-minute power clean-ups

As a mom, I get SUPER self conscious about my home

It feels impossible to keep clean with my twin boys

But I hate seeing it super dirty

By solution to that is scheduling 30-minute clean-ups

And rewarding the ACTION, not just the result

Will my house be dirty again in a half hour?


But I schedule one power clean in the day, and one right before my husband gets home from work

That way I don’t feel run down from always cleaning

But my home is still getting cleans

And clean when my husband gets home from work

12. Avoid negativity and drama

This goes closely with tip #2

Be careful what you allow in your life

I am pretty good at keeping my life drama free, but I get sucked in to Facebook comment wars

There is so much drama there

But I find that it takes a lot of energy

More specifically,

It takes a lot of emotional energy

I am very empathetic

So I absorb the feeling and rage from those comments

I have to give myself a time limit and watch how invested I get

Negativity and drama hurts your mental health, and that hurts your confidence

13. Take a trip with loved ones

Opposite of drama and negativity, taking a trip with loved ones can do amazing things for your mental health

But go into this knowing that you will get some confidence practice

Get a swimming suit slightly outside of your comfort zone (as long as that is a goal)

And make sure you wear it

If you only wear it in your hotel for the first couple days, that is a win!

Use a trip full of fun and positivity to stretch your confidence so you come home feeling better than ever

14. Try new clothing or hairstyle

This was a big one for me

I can INSTANTLY feel the confidence boost when my hair is red

I love the way it looks on me

So I prioritize dying my hair

I do it at home now with my mother in law

I am also using clothes to stretch my confidence

I am wearing things a little closer to what I like, but scared to wear

Remember to take little steps when you can

But hair and clothes can be changed again

So try that new style for a week and see how it makes you feel!

15. Start and end your day with gratitude

Fear and gratitude cannot live in your mind at the same time

Mindfully practicing gratitude can do WONDERS for your mindset and confidence

Start every day thinking about 3 things that you are grateful for

And end the day thinking about 3 MORE things that you are grateful for

If you want to stretch yourself, think of one thing you like when looking at yourself in the mirror or in a photo

The more you practice gratitude, the more the mind will learn to look for those things

Your confidence will get stronger when you look at yourself and your life and see so much good

Ending Notes on How to Build Confidence After Having a Baby

Learning how to build confidence after having a baby is a process

It takes time and practice

I have been working on it for a little over a year

I see progress, but I still have a ways to go

There are so many more ways to build confidence

The important part is to try new things for a week or two

Then evaluate how they made you feel

Test then evaluate

Now that you know how to build confidence after having a baby…

I challenge you to get started today