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When my kids were born, I realized quickly that I needed to learn how to create a self-care routine as a stay-at-home mom

Every day I would tell myself that I’ll start tomorrow 

And everyday I would get too busy and forget

I had to be more mindful and plan

Even better, I wanted to create a habit of caring for myself so it would be second nature

Just like it is to care for everyone else in my family

I did a lot of research and tried many different methods…

But I figured out what works!

It definitely takes effort

And if you’re like me, you’ll fail and start again many… many times

But it’s worth it!

You can do this!

I believe in you!

The Importance of Creating Habits and Routine

Habits and routines are important because our sustainable lives are built on them.

If you want an action to last in your life, a habit is the best way to do that

Have you ever heard the phrase “old habits die hard?” 

The more routine you use and the stronger you build a habit, the harder it is to break later

Now imagine using that to help you create the life you want

Working on your dreams and spending a little time on self-care becomes a habit.

That is powerful!

Before we can use routine and habits to our advantage, we need to build them

How to create a self care routine as a stay at home mom

How to Create New Habits and Routines 

Habits are formed in two ways

  1. From scratch
  2. Built on top of an old habit

Building on top of an old habit makes it easier

For example, you want to create a skincare routine

Taking care of your skin is a great way to feel better 

Instead of trying to just remember, start a simple skincare routine after brushing your teeth

The old habit becomes a trigger (or reminder) of the new habit

Habits have three steps

  1. Trigger
  2. Action
  3. Reward

For this example, we made brushing our teeth the trigger

It reminds our brains that we need to wash our face 

Then we do the action 

We have our supplies planned out and close to our toothbrush so we wash our face

Lastly, we have the reward. 

This can be something as simple as feeling nice with a clean face

Or you can thoughtfully add a reward

But the brain needs a reward to finish the habit sequence

How to create a self care routine as a stay at home mom

Why Self-Care is So Important For Moms

Many moms feel like taking time for what they want is selfish, but I am going to challenge that

Doing things that you enjoy makes you feel alive and energized

It energizes your emotions and your soul

The longer you go without charging yourself, the harder it is going to be to function at full capacity 

You’ll be more tired throughout the day

Maybe you’ll have to go to bed early every night

Without selfcare, you’ll actually use MORE time because you are struggling than it would have taken just to care for yourself

So in my opinion, NOT caring for yourself is selfish

Not just towards everyone else, but also towards you

As moms, we have unlimited chores and responsibilities 

It is super overwhelming

When I lived my life trying to do everything before taking time for myself…

I burnt out

And everyone suffered because of it 

When I learned how to create a self-care routine as a stay-at-home mom, all of our lives changed for the better

So, please!

Even if it is only 10 minutes a day

Create a routine where you recharge your soul

On the opposite side, don’t overdo it

It is possible to burn yourself out by doing too many self-care activities

Make sure that you don’t max your time out and stress over doing too much

That is why making a list with categories is a favorite technique of mine

The less you need to think and figure out when it is time do take care of yourself, the more successful your self-care time will be

How To Create a Self-Care List

Creating a self-care list is simple, but is very special to you

No one’s self-care list is exactly the same

I like to make categories like:

  • Free
  • Cheap
  • Expensive
  • At home
  • Away from home
  • With kids
  • Without kids

Make categories that help you

When it is time to take time for yourself, what is the excuse not to?

Is it money? They make categories based on budget

Is it time? Kids?

By thoughtfully making categories that will fit different times of your life, the next step will be easier

Once you have a few categories, then it is time to fill them

For me, this was the hard part!

I wrote down all the things that I liked to do before kids

But I found that I did not enjoy them as much as I used to 

So I had to start trying new things and assessing how I felt during and afterward

How to create a self care routine as a stay at home mom

Adding Self-Care To Your Daily Life

Once you have your self-care lists done, then it is easier to add it to your daily life.

I like to use time blocking

But as a mom, I use pretty large blocks of time

For example, I have the basic morning routine activities from 7 to 9

Will they take two hours?


But if I don’t give myself more than enough time, then something is bound to happen that will take a lot of time

With self-care, I schedule fun and independent activities for my kids (or have a babysitter) while I have my time

The activities for the kids are fun, exciting, and special

That way, they are less likely to need my attention

Then I fill in something from my self-care list that is appropriate 

For example, I wouldn’t do a “no kids” activity when they are with me

One of my favorite things to do while I have my kids is painting my nails

I use gel paint so it dries in a couple of minutes

And I can stop if needed

Then start again when the crisis is averted

Scheduling in time like you would a Dr appointment is important

Because if you leave it to your memory or to chance, it will not happen

If you could accidentally learn how to create a self-care routine as a stay-at-home mom, you would already have the routine down

How To Create a Self-Care Routine as a Stay-at-Home Mom That You’ll Actually Follow

Remember what I talked about with habits?

You need a trigger, a habit, and a reward to form a new habit

Evaluate your day

What time of day would be the easiest to add a 10-minute mommy session to?

For me, it’s the morning

My kids wake up slow and are independent players in the morning 

Once breakfast and dishes are done, that is the best time to spend some time for me

Once the day gets going and my kids get to their crazy selves, getting me time is HARD

Once you know what time of day, think about your current habits

What do you do without thinking about it?

For me, I make breakfast every day 

And make that my trigger for my self-care habit

So every day after breakfast, I will spend time doing something on my self-care list

Don’t end those care sessions on a bad note

If you have something happen where you get frustrated or have to stop because of your kids…

Go back to it for a couple more minutes

Remember the 3rd step to creating a habit?


You have to end feeling happy or satisfied 

Or the habit will not form

It will become a chore

Your journey to learning how to create a self-care routine as a stay at home mom will be unique to you.

So keep trying and learning!