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Taking great care in your personal care is important, and how to do soul care is a part that is often neglected

I find that many people struggle to care for the parts of themselves that are intangible 

Out of sight, out of mind

But just like taking care of mental health, doing soul care is important for you for be holistically healthy 

What I love about soul care is that it lasts longer

I am not keeping up with my current needs

I am redefining my baseline, which makes my general life better 

My default becomes closer to the powerful person I was always meant to be

The difference between self-care and soul care

Self-care is a way more common topic than soul care is

What is the difference between self-care and soul care?

The difference is the objective of the activities

With self-care, you are doing things to take care of your mind, body, and emotional health

With soul care, you are doing things to take care of your spirit and default health

They are two parts of replenishing your life

And are best when done together

If you do self-care without soul care, you will have a never ending chore of keeping yourself sane

If you do soul-care without self-care, it contradicts because the elevated version of you would not self-neglect

Soul care can be done with your religion, but it is not required

Affirmations are an example of soul care because they are intangible things that affect you on a mental and spiritual level

How To Do Soul Care
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Why is soul care needed?

Soul care is an important partner for self care

If you have followed my blog at all, you know how important self care is!

While self car wise needed, the goal is to change your mindset so selfcare isn’t hard anymore

Instead of struggling with mom guilt every time, you start to live a life filled will peace and happiness

Routines and habits help you with the actions

But souls care will help you become the person you were always meant to be

You don’t have to think about a lot of the actions anymore because they are part of who you are

You don’t have to force yourself to practice gratitude because it will become natural

Self care and soul care are perfect partners

How to connect with your soul

Connecting with your soul is a personal experience, but there are actions you can do

The actions have results that you cannot see, but you’ll be able to feel

5 things you can do to connect with your soul daily are:

  • Affirmations
  • Gratitude
  • Meditation
  • Accepting your past
  • Practice vulnerability

The great thing is that you can connect to your soul and take care of it at the same time!

How to do soul care: 5 actions you can take

When I started my holistic health journey, I ran from everything uncomfortable 

And let me tell you.. that was everything

I worked constantly to avoid facing my emotions

Everytime I started working more, I would get used to it and need to work more to avoid my thoughts

It wasn’t until I started taking care of my soul that I could slow down and enjoy life

I still have room to improve, but I am so much better than I once was

So let dig into the 5 ways to connect with your soul

  1. Affirmations

Affirmations are simple but powerful statements to heal your soul

The more you go through life,, the more negative and painful beliefs you will gather if you aren’t mindful

Those negative beliefs will harm your soul and keep you from connecting to your true self

I was never meant to hate myself

I spent my whole childhood and young adulthood gathering beliefs that were harmful

The longer it self, the more I felt disconnected from myself

I only started feeling like me again when I used affirmations to fight those beliefs and create beliefs that nurtured my soul

Affirmations for moms may feel weird, and their effects are close to invisible…

But there will be a day where you realize how far you’ve come

Read my post on affirmations for moms to learn more

  1. Gratitude 

I always thought of myself as a realist

But really….

I just thought of every negative thing that could happen and assumed they would happen 

If something good did happen, I would barely acknowledge it

Then I would go straight back to focusing on the problems that needed to be fixed

Both real and imaginary problems

This lead to exhaustion, depression, anxiety, and just pre misery

I lived in fear

The only way to fight that fear was by practicing gratitude

Fun fact!

You cannot be grateful and fearful at the same time

I would think of 3 things I was grateful for every morning and night

I challenged myself to find new things

Maybe even mention specific moments

The goal was to learn to search the the good in my life instead of searching for the bad

I still have my moments where life feels like it’s caving in, but those moments are rare now instead of being common

How To Do Soul Care
  1. Meditation

Meditation is another powerful way to take care of your soul 

This one is hard for me because I am constantly doing 3 or more things

So making myself stop and just focus on me is very challenging

If mediation is something you want to learn, then I would start with guided meditations

I like Gabby Bernstein

She has a calming voice and she is easy to follow

There are so many types of meditation and it is normal not to enjoy all of them

So test different styles out to see what is a match for you!

  1. Accepting your past

I grew up better than some and worse than others

My father provided for us financially (but was still very stingy), but was very mentally abusive

I spent a lot of my childhood begging for his love and doing everything I could to earn it

That resulted in a lot of trauma and a lot of beliefs to overcome

Then I found out as an adult that he made good money and he just pretended to be poor

It took a lot of time to accept that my past is not going to change and that his lack of love had nothing to do with me

I learned that his father was also abusive

I was a victim of a victim 

When I learned to accept my past and determine a better future, my soul got a peace that I’d never experienced before

I don’t feel angry anymore

I still get slight jealousy when I see other women with great relationships with their dad

But I can quickly let that go now

By accepting my past and letting go of the expectations I had that were never going to happen, I got to focus on building a future that I want

  1. Practice vulnerability 

Vulnerability is hard for most people

We don’t naturally want to accept our weaknesses and our faults

But when we pretend that we don’t have those weaknesses and faults, we are pretending that a huge part of us doesn’t exist.

We cannot have a happy and healthy soul when we do that

We need to take chances that may lead to rejection and failure

And then learn and grow through those rejections and failures

People pleasing is a huge problem in our society today

Our souls cannot be happy and healthy when we are pretending to be someone else in order to avoid rejection

The freedom you get when you let that need to please everyone go it incredible 

I hope you put the work in to achieve that freedom

Now that you know how to do soul care, what will you start with?