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I was always pretty good about eating well before I had kids, but I learned quickly that how to eat healthy as a busy mom is a different game

My kids keep me busy

As a twin mom, I am constantly doing things and still struggle to get everything done

I realized that I had to make a change when my energy plummeted 

I was in such a hurry every day that I would eat Lays and queso for lunch

It was quick, easy, not cooked, and no cleanup

But it was not giving me the nutrients I needed to keep up with my day

Why Taking Time To Eat Well is Not Selfish

I know the feeling too well

There is so much to do and forgetting to eat happens so easily

If I remembered to eat, I often ate leftovers from my kids so I did not have to cook again

And it lowered the wasted food in the house!

The problem with this is that our nutrition is a huge part of our health

The two bites of chicken I ate from my kids’ plate were not enough to get me through lunch

So what happened?

I snacked

I realized that I was eating leftover kids’ food and Lays chips for lunch

It was a terrible habit, but taking time to make something for me felt selfish

I had other things I needed to be doing!

If I cook, then I will have to take time to eat

Oh and don’t forget the extra dishes

Eating breakfast was even harder

Once my day started, It went full speed

Dinner wasn’t hard for me since I made food for my kids and husband

But I found myself not eating enough (or anything) for breakfast and lunch

Then I would get hungry and want something fast 

Which was usually something super unhealthy (like Lays)

I would end up hungry again in an hour or two…

And feeling super drained

Food is fuel

Without taking the time to eat well, you will slowly struggle through your day more and more

How To Eat Healthy As a Busy Mom

Eating Healthy is a Lifestyle 

I am going to start by saying that I do NOT agree with diet culture

I disagree that eating healthy means depriving yourself of everything you love while only eating lettuce

Eating healthy is a lifestyle, and it can be great!

Everyone’s journey is a little different, but it is mainly learning a balance that works for you

Learning to eat healthily is hard enough before kids, and can feel impossible once you are a mom!

I am thankful that my grandma taught me to cook and that was a normal part of my life before kids

Whether you are starting from a place like I did, or just starting to learn cooking…

Most of my tips will help you

These are not all the options that can help, but they are the things that help me

13 Tips to Eat Healthy as a Busy Mom

There is no manuel to life or motherhood

So what works for me might not work for you

But it can give you a starting point!

Test things out for a week or two

Do they help?

Test and evaluate and you’ll find a system that works for you

  1. Make a weekly menu and grocery list

One of the major problems I run into when trying to eat healthy as a busy mom is just how inconvenient it is

The more effort I have to put into a new habit, the less likely I am to succeed

I can tell the difference if I remember to make a menu for the week or not

When I plan the meals for the week, going shopping gets easier and we all eat better

One of the big things I recommend is making a menu based on where you are in life

I have twin 3-year-old boys with a speech delay…

There are nights when I am exhausted and there is NO way I can to do a super nice dinner

I also know that we eat outside a lot at lunchtime, so I have to plan meals where that is easy

When I made my weekly menu, I always have 2-3 super quick dinner plans and the rest are nicer but still easy

This makes cooking SO much easier

I don’t have to think about dinner every day

I know what we are eating ahead of time so shopping is quicker

And since I have so many super quick meals, I am able to get dinner done even on nights when I am exhausted

To take a look at your life and see what is possible

You want to set yourself up for success

If that means buying a frozen pizza for one of your dinners, that is better than other options!

  1. Meal prep for the week

When I was working three jobs and going to school (before I was a mom), I was extremely busy

I love my husband, but he is not a great cook

Great at barbequing, but not anything inside the kitchen

Meal prepping got me through that time

I would spend three hours every Sunday prepping for the week

Most meals were cooked and pre-sectioned into containers

Then all we would need to do is reheat a container for dinner everynight

It made my lunches easier too

I don’t do it anymore for two reasons

  1. I don’t really need to anymore
  2. We don’t have enough refrigerator room right now

But it is a very real option for many moms!

Instead of taking an hour a day to cook (7 hours a week)

You can spend three hours once a week on cooking (less nightly dishes too!)

  1. Bulk prep snacks

It can be exhausting to make a snack every day

Kids keeping you busy and just grabbing something fast is tempting

A way to avoid that is by preparing many grab-and-go healthy snacks at once

Put them in a little bag or container so eating healthy snacks is quick and convenient 

  1. Cook extra every night

Another thing I did a lot when I was working that I still do today is making extra dinner

I make one or two extra servings of dinner and put them in containers for the next day

This gives me a super fast but still healthy lunch for the next day

This has been a lifesaver more times than I can recall!

  1. Make healthy food and snacks convenient 

This is similar to #3

It is way easier to eat healthy when the healthy food is good and convenient

I will talk about good, healthy food more on #10

It is easier to make decisions that you are proud of when you set yourself up for success

Convenience is a huge reason I want quick snacks and fast food

So when I made healthy food convenient, I was able to eat healthier and feel the difference

  1. Sign up for meal delivery

If you have the room in your budget, meal delivery can be a real option!

You can get food premade and delivered,

Or you can get everything you need to cook a meal delivered

I did HelloFresh before and I really enjoyed it

The directions were not simple so if you are a new cook I wouldn’t recommend it

But it was nice to have all the planning and shopping done for you

  1. Start small

Life is overwhelming

If you are like me, you try to do too much when making a life change

“I want to eat healthier! “

Proceeds to buy only healthy food and try to change my entire diet in one week….

It’s not a good idea

Every time I do giant steps, I fail

So start small!

Start with eating one premade, healthy snack a day

Once that gets easier, add one more small change

Changing your diet will go slower, but lasts longer

How To Eat Healthy As a Busy Mom
  1. Plan for meals when you don’t want to cook

This is a huge part of my plan

I am a business owner and I run four blogs

I am also a twin toddler mom and a wife

We have animals too

The question isn’t if I will have days where I don’t want to cook

The question is when those days will occur

To help me keep up, I either premake extra meals and freeze them

Or I buy something super quick and easy to make

The goal is to have dinner done in 20 minutes or less with little active cooking

This could be a stew, grilled cheese sandwich,  Quesadillas, or something similar 

They may not be the healthiest options (my stews are but they are rarely the easy meal of choice), but it is better than getting fast food

Remember that eating out is ok!

If your easy meal is eating out, then just plan for how many days you’ll allow it every week

If you have a 2-night limit every week, you’ll choose those nights more carefully

  1. Encourage your kids to get involved 

Kids like to be up in their parent’s business.

All. The. Time

So take advantage of that!

Have your kids help you prepare the snacks or meals for the week

The more you get them involved, the more tasks you will be able to trust them with

Then eating healthy is a family event and your kids will grow up with an important skill!

  1. Plan for your cravings

Cravings are not bad.

Cravings are telling you that you need something 

If you are craving chips, eat some chips!

But plan for that

Instead of getting the craving, avoid it by eating carrots, and then binge eating chips in the end…

Pour a bowl of chips

Eat them slowly

Enjoy them!

In the end, you’ll eat a lot less and feel less deprived

In addition, our brains naturally want what we can’t have

So the more you idolize the chips, the worse the cravings will get, and the more you’ll eat when it becomes too much

  1. Use supplements

Another thing to consider is adding supplements to your diet

But please be mindful when doing this!

Personally, I make my supplements and the only goal is to add more nutrition

I mix and capsule a green powder blend to add more greens to my diet and I have a digestion mix to aid in my gut health

I can feel the difference between the days that I take my supplements and when I don’t

They give me more energy, help my mental health, I get fewer cravings, and probably more that I don’t notice when I’m busy

Do research before taking any supplements

You want it to be as natural and nutrient-based as possible

Also, remember to consult your doctor before adding supplements so you don’t take too much

There are many vitamins and minerals that are harmful when overdone

  1. Drink water before every meal

Eating healthy isn’t just about food!

Water is a huge part of learning how to eat healthy as a busy mom

Living on coffee is not enough (sadly)

Our brains have a hard time telling the difference between hunger and thirst

So drinking water could be huge!

Try to drink a glass:

  • When you wake up
  • Before every meal
  • Before bed
  • When you remember throughout the day

Not everyone needs the same water intake

I try to drink a half oz of water per pound I weigh

But do your research or maybe ask your doctor

  1. Set reminders on your phone

I am terrible about remembering to eat

I will get so busy that I forget to eat until I am starving

It is hard to eat healthy when you are starving

What I’ve learned to do is put alarms on my phone to remind me to eat throughout the day

When those alarms go off, I can think clearly and do what I planned for lunch that day

Final Thoughts On How To Eat Healthy as a Busy Mom

Everything in life is harder when you are responsible for tiny and destructive humans

There are many things that will not get done, but I believe that learning how to eat healthy as a busy mom cannot be pushed aside

Food is the fuel that will help you get everything else done and be the best mom you can be

Without fueling yourself well, your energy will disappear and you will struggle through everyday

What will you try first learn how to eat healthy as a busy mom?