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Mental stress is extreme sometimes, and trying to escape mental stress can feel impossible

Life happens

Things will come up that throw you through a loop

But we can learn to handle those moments differently

Mental stress doesn’t have to run your life

Some stress is good

It keeps us moving through life and getting things done

But too much mental stress can destroy our happiness, give us anxiety, harm relationships, and more

I would know because I have been there

I’m naturally a stress case

I stress about what happened in the past, what is happening now, and what might happen in the future

Learning to manage my mental stress has been vital for my survival

I’m not kidding!

I could not live in that state of constant stress, so my journey to escape mental stress began

How To Escape Mental Stress

What is mental stress?

Mental stress occurs when internal or external events are perceived as a threat to our health or happiness

That results in emotional and physical tension

There are a few different kinds of stresses, and not all of them are bad

Some stresses help you get things done instead of procrastinating 

There are physical stresses that happen when our body is in danger

But mental stress can be extremely harmful

It can lead to anxiety and burnout

There are extreme mental stresses, like the possibility of being laid off

And there are small stresses that add up, like laundry and cooking

Anything that can make you feel frustrated (ahem… many parts of motherhood) can add to your mental stress

The longer we are exposed to mental stress, the closer we get to burnout

Which is a scary place to be!

What causes mental stress?

Mental stress happens every day

It is triggered by anything that threatens us or makes us feel like we have little control

It may seem like no big deal for a long time, but little stresses adds up when you aren’t taking measures to manage them

For me, often times I don’t even notice that my mental load is getting heavy until one thing pushes me over the edge

Most of the time, I realize that I have been neglecting my prevention measures and that is why I got overwhelmed

It is important to realize that some stresses are big enough to create damage on their own

Prevention is great, but sometimes the mental stress may be too much

Money is often one of those stresses

Learning to manage our stress not only prevents major issues like burnout but also helps us recover when those big stresses hit you

Everyone reacts to life differently, and different things are stress triggers

For some people, like my husband, not much adds to his mental stress

His frustration comes and goes pretty quickly

For me, I stress about everything

I have a hard time with the extreme mental load of being a mom

I stress about cleaning, bills, my business, my blog, our meals, and the list goes on

If I miss something, I stress even more

So stress management has been a must for me

The stress of some things might be tiny, but that stress doesn’t naturally leave with me

At least not as fast as I build stress

The more I build, the worse the mental stress gets

Until I start feeling the symptoms of burnout that remind me to unload the stress faster than it can build

What are the symptoms of mental stress?

Everyone handles mental stress differently, but there are some common symptoms 

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Irritability
  • Restless
  • Unmotivated
  • Overwhelmed
  • Unfocused
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Contact worry
  • Memory issues
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Upset stomach
  • Diarrhea 
  • Constipation 
  • Nausea
  • Headaches 
  • And more

Remember that those symptoms are common for a lot of conditions and this is not meant to diagnose you

Stress can wreak havoc on your mind and body… fast

But slow enough that you don’t always realize what is happening

Learning how to escape mental stress can be a long and hard process, but it really is worth the effort

Why it is important to manage stress

As moms, we tend to try to carry the world

We expect ourselves to do the impossible with our schedule

It doesn’t matter what kind of mom we are:

  • Stay at home
  • Working
  • Single
  • Many kids
  • One kid

We all carry so much

Since we carry so much responsibility, the stress add up quickly towards burnout

Avoiding burnout is very important!

By pushing ourselves too hard, we get to the point where we can’t get much done

Extreme exhaustion from mental stress can:

  • Destroy your energy
  • Harm your wellbeing
  • Make you depression
  • Give you crippling anxiety
  • Make the smallest tasks difficult
  • And more

Managing your mental stress and avoiding burnout may take time now, but it also makes you a better mom

With more energy and a better mood, the household will run better

We are the foundations of our family

If mom feels good, the family feels better

How To Escape Mental Stress

How to escape mental stress as a mom

Escaping mental stress as a mom isn’t that much different than other people

We just tend to struggle with taking action

I always start with an evaluation

What is causing so much stress and is it required?

If your child is sick, there isn’t anything you can do about it. 

All you can do is build a system that keeps you functioning while you find the illness together

Some things you can do:

  • Create a friend support system
  • Electronic free time
  • Spend a half hour before the kids wake or after they go to bed taking some you time
  • Use paper plates to lower dishes

Focus on adding things and systems that lower your mental load and workload

Your baby needs you at 100%, so taking time to release stress is vital

Most of the time, however, we have a mix of stresses that are important and ones that aren’t 

If you are stressed because there is too much to do, start going through your to-do list and shorten it

Choose one thing a week to cut out

And add some time for you

It is better to spend 10 minutes of self-care every day now than it is to struggle with burnout.