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I have always been a motivated person, but I had to completely relearn how to reach goals as a mom

It just isn’t the same!

You are busier than you ever were before

You are way more tired

There are more chores to keep up with

And there is another human you take care of 24/7

Yes, you will have to learn how to reach goals as a mom, but I promise that it is possible!

I am going to share what I have done to reach my goals even with twin toddlers

Why should moms make their goals a priority?

Our lives change drastically when we become mothers

It is easy to get so caught up in taking care of the kids that we forget to chase our dreams

I was in college when I married my husband

And I was scared to try for kids until after I finished my degree

I knew that I was still going to chase my dreams, but somewhere there was a belief that I would lose sight of them when I had kids

And to an extent, I did

Well, I did graduate, but I realized that I couldn’t leave my kids when they were born

I couldn’t stand the thought of working 60 hours a week away from them

I never considered how my goals would change when I was a mom

It doesn’t matter if your goals stay the same after kids, or drastically change as they did for me

Dreams make us individuals

We are made to dream and chase those dreams

Not only does it help you stay sane as a mom, but it also gives your kids a great example

It doesn’t matter how hard it gets, mommy always reached for her goals

How to reach goals as a mom

How can stay-at-home moms set goals?

Stay-at-home moms set and achieve goals the same as everyone else, except with more time management and flexibility

Everyone’s goals are going to be different, but the process of reaching them is the same

First, you need to know what you are reaching for

So it is time to set your goals!

Think about your life exactly how you want it

Walk through the day in your mind

What do you see?

What do you look like?

Who are you with?

Look at all the details and “live” it in your mind

What needs to change in your current life for that image to be reality?

Now choose one!

Got it?

Now I want you to think about why you want this thing in your future

Your why needs to be powerful and personal

If you want to lose weight, why do you want to lose weight?

Is the reason strong enough to motivate you when you get discouraged or tired?

Once you decide if your why is strong enough to get you through the hard times, then you can decide if that is the goal you want to set first

What kind of goals should I focus on?

There are 5 main types of goals that you could go for

I encourage you to only choose one or two goals at a time.

If you chase too many things at once, you still struggle to catch them both 

It is your first time in a long time going for a goal, go for one that makes you excited but isn’t crazy hard

It will give you the confidence to chase the harder goals!

But first, let’s explore the 5 types of goals I consider

  1. Personal goals

Personal goals are the things you want for just you

These goals can be health goals, appearance goals, or anything that just involves you

Some examples of personal goals are:

  • I will lose 10 pounds in two months
  • I will spend 15 minutes meditating every morning for 1 month
  • I will be in bed by 10 PM everyday before June 15th
  • I will wake up at 8 AM consistently by December 1st
  • And so on

Personal goals are great if you can get the motivation to stay with them

Most moms that I know struggle with the “selfish” goals

So going after something that is just for you may be a hard one to start with, but definitely something you need to consider!

  1. Career goals

Career goals are exactly how it sounds

Where do you want to be in the professional world?

Do you want a specific career or position?

Or maybe you want to start your own business

These goals are anything in the professional part of your life

Some examples of career goals are:

  • I want to get a promotion at work this time next year
  • I will start writing my fantasy book this month and have the first chapter done by Feb. 23rd
  • I will write 15 blog posts a month for 6 months
  • I will be making $4k in my business by 2023
  • And so on

How you reach those goals comes later. 

For now, you need to set your goals and potentially adjust them later

How to reach goals as a mom
  1. Relationship goals

Relationship goals can be with a partner or with friends

But they are often with your partner

These are goals that you set and work towards together

These are way more varied than the first two

Some examples could be:

  • We will be going on dates once a week for 3 months
  • We will be cell phone free for 1 hour a day every day for a week
  • We will launch our Etsy store on March 13th
  • And so on

Just make it something you will do together, and bonus if it involved bettering your relationship

  1. Parent-child goals

Similar to the relationship goals, parent-child goals are goals that you work on together

Maybe you create something together or go to the zoo every 6-months

Whatever you and your child can work towards together

  1. Family goals

Lastly, family goals are things you will do as a family

Just like parent-child and relationship goals, this is something that involves your whole family

The goals will look similar to relationship goals, just created for everyone to get involved

How to reach goals as a mom: 7 tips to help

Once you have set your goal, then it is time to follow through

There are many ways that you can reach your goals, but it gets more difficult as a mom

But there are strategies that I have tested that work well for me!

Maybe they will work for you too

  1. Time block

If you try time blocking, take it slow and give yourself grace

It can take time to learn and get a hang of, but it is AMAZING

It can make your time management way better, and you get more done every day

You can start with large blocks of time

(make a list to do from 10 am to 12 pm)

Or you can choose a task to do every hour

Try different things to see what works well for you

  1. Evaluate

Evaluating is so important!!!

See where your time is going now by writing down everything you do for a week

I mean everything!

Did you scroll Facebook for 2 hours on Monday?

Write it down

You will see places where you can find time to chase your goals

But don’t just do this once

I like to evaluate once or twice a month

I don’t get as week as writing down everything for a week

But I do pay attention to where my time is going to see if I can improve

  1. Routine

Routine is powerful for moms

Kids are more likely to let you work towards goals, or participate in goals if it is habit

By having a day and/or time that they know is committed to a goal, it is less of a fight every time you want to work towards it

  1. Spend time with kids first

This is especially helpful for moms of small children, but spend time with them first

When they are happy from your focus time with them, they are more likely to be willing to play independently and allow you to work towards your goals

  1. Be realistic, but stretch yourself

It is important to not make goals that you can’t keep

Making a goal to lose 100 pounds in 1 week sets you up for failure

We don’t want that!

We want to set ourselves up for success

At the same time, we don’t want to go too easy

If you KNOW that you can reach your goal easily, maybe take it up a notch

We will want to challenge yourself

So when you are making a goal, stretch yourself but don’t make it impossible

  1. Break it up

Once you have your goal set, then it is time to break it into pieces

I like to make three big checkpoints

For example, my goal is to make $4k a month in 8 months

Ok let’s break that into 3 or more sections

For this, I would say checkpoint one is making $500 during month 1

And then that $500 turns to $1000 in month 2

And so on

By breaking down the big number, you have stepping stones to success

Then you break it down more

What do you need to do in order to reach the month 1 goal?

Break it down all the way to daily action steps

  1. Celebrate every little success

Celebrating every little success is important

The journey is important too, and celebrating that makes the process more fun

If you are having fun, you are less likely to quit

Find a way to celebrate when you make different kinds of wins

Did you do all your action steps for a day?


Did you make your first $100 with your business?


Whatever you accomplish while trying reach goals as a mom, remember to celebrate!