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If you are trying to figure out how to recover from mom burnout…

I feel you!

Because I have been there!

I have woken up tired and wishing the day wasn’t starting already

I have had the guilt from just wanting to get away

Wasn’t being a mother supposed to be fun and beautiful???

I got glimpses of that, but mostly just felt dark, exhausting, and lonely.

Good news!

You can DEFINITELY recover from mom burnout

Bad news??

You will need to make some lifestyle changes

The only way to heal is to stop burning yourself out

And that requires new habits, boundaries, and mindset

If you are unsure that you are burnt out, let’s go over what mom burnout is

It is scary common!!!

What is burnout?

In order to learn how to recover from mom burnout, we need to fully understand what is.

Burnout can happen for many reasons

Like a job, school, and anything that involved extreme and continuous stress and pressure. 

But we are going to focus on mom burnout.

Mom burnout feels like:

  • Extreme physical exhaustion
  • Extreme mental exhaustion
  • Disengagement from life
  • Losing sense of self
  • Not knowing who they are anymore
  • No life outside of kids
  • Always tired regardless of sleep
  • Going through the motions everyday

Mom burnout is often paired with mom guilt

I remember when I was at my worst

I wanted to love being a mother

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED my kids

But I did not love being a mom

I just wanted to hide from the world for a while

Then I felt bad because I knew I deserved better.

And so did my kids

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What causes burnout for moms?

Mommy burnout is caused by continuously parenting without breaks

Parenting is HARD!

Kids know how to push every button you never knew you had!

Without breaks and “momma me time”, stress just continues to build

If you do not get that time to take care of yourself…

NOT just basic hygiene, but taking care of your personal needs…

Burnout will come

I know as a mom that it is hard to take time because it feels selfish

I will break that myth in a minute!!!!

Remember that burnout doesn’t happen from one big stress that comes and goes

It is from small stresses that may not even be noticeable!!!

But they add up

And add up

Until they are so heavy on your life that you don’t recognize yourself anymore

Moms have a habit of thinking that time for themselves is selfish.

That time could be used for their family

But the only way to give your kids the best version of you, you have to be the best version of you

Would you get upset at your phone for dying when you did not charge it?


Would you get upset at your child for being cranky when they refused their nap?

Maybe a little, but not because they are cranky

Because they did it to themselves and that affects everyone around them

Taking time to keep you at 100%, or even 90%, is not selfish

You are investing in the happiness of your family 

How do I know that I am burnt out?

There are five stages of burnout.

  1. Honeymoon phase
  2. Stress onset
  3. Chronic stress
  4. Burnout
  5. Habitual burnout

So let’s take a look and see which phase you are in (if any!)…

  1. Honeymoon Phase

The honeymoon phase is the same concept anywhere

The stage is full of energy and optimism

The cons are often ignored, and the pros are put on a pedestal 

This is the stage that we often compare ourselves to!

Where everything feels perfect even if you are putting 24 hours a day in

We remember this stage and feel like something is wrong with us because we move to stage 2

  1. Stress Onset

Once we are done with the honeymoon phase, we move into the stress onset

We still feel a lot of the energy and excitement, but it is less

And we are starting to notice the stress being put on our minds and body

We are not overwhelmed or anything, but we definitely notice the negatives of the situation now

  1. Chronic stress

The longer we keep going, the more into phase 3 we get

Which is chronic stress

The stress is becoming normal now.

This is where a lot of moms live for a while

We get used to doing everything…

And being stressed all the time

Even if we think we get used to it, our body does not

Stress is terrible for our brains

And the more stress that builds, the sooner we go into phase 4

  1. Burnout

Phase 4 is just as fluid as the first 3 phases

I don’t remember when I realized that I burnt out

I don’t remember there being a moment where I went from chronic stress to burnout

This is a dangerous phase to be in for a mother

We may continue getting everything done, but we are miserable

I don’t know if you have noticed, but you lead the family dynamic

If you feel terrible, so does your family

So when you are burnt out, your relationship with your partner gets strained

And your kids act out more

Those lead to the final phase

  1. Habitual burnout

Just like when stress went from noticeable to normal, 

Burnout does the same

You no longer notice the burnout because it is the new normal

Habitual burnout destroys every glimpse of a mother’s individuality

She is no longer living and enjoying her life,

But is now in survival mode

Everyone suffers in this phase

How to recover from mom burnout

Just like there are many ways to get INTO burnout

There are many ways to get out of it

But it does require time and testing to see what works for you

You can spend as little as 10 minutes a day and make a huge difference in your life

Here are some examples that you can try!

I highly recommend doing each for a week once you do the first two steps as preparation

It took you a long time to get the habits you have now, and it will take time to replace them

How to Recover From Mom Burnout

Identify what takes energy and what gives you energy

The first thing you need to do is assess your life

What are things that you do that give you energy,

And what do you do to lose energy

Don’t worry! 

I am not going to tell you to take out what takes energy

We are moms! That is not possible

For now, just take a look at each activity and decide what category they fit in

  1. Takes a lot of energy
  2. Takes some energy
  3. Gives energy
  4. Gives a lot of energy

Notice that there is no neutral 

Everything is going to give or take energy, even if it is just a little

This is going to be different for everyone

Folding laundry takes a little of my energy

But it gives energy to a friend of mine!

Write down what you do every day for a week

And then put everything into a category

There is no shame in saying making dinner takes energy!

You won’t be sharing this

So be 100% honest

Check your life balance using that information

Once you have your categories

Then you look at what you do every day

If you are reading this, I assume that you have WAY more activities that take energy than you have ones that give you energy

This is why you are feeling burnt out

It is time to slowly make life changes so that your average day has more energy-giving activities than energy taking activities

It is helpful to give numbers!

Activities that take a little energy are -1

Activities that take a lot of energy are -2

While activities that give a little energy are +1

And activities that give a lot of energy are +2

When you put the numbers together (don’t worry! It is not crazy math!)…

Your goal is to have a positive number at the end of the day

Learn to say no

One of the ways to rebalance your life is learning to say no

I know, I know!!!

But you are a mom! 

You are expected to do everything!

Momma… You should not be doing everything

Boundaries are NEEDED to live a life that you deserve

And to be the mom you want to be for your kids

So if you are being asked to take a negative energy activity, and you don’t have the room for it that day…

Say no!

If they get upset, they are not good for your anyways

Of course there are exceptions

But those are going to be rare.

Will it still be a big deal in one year if you say no?


Then do it.

Work on self-care (Tip! It can only take 10 minutes!)

Self-care is needed!

This goes beyond basic hygiene like taking a shower

Self-care is something you can add to your day that will balance the scales!

You can get more done, without going into the negative at the end of the day

No one would never get mad at your phone for going black if you work it for days without charging

People need to charge to work properly too!

Taking time for what makes you happy will make your family happier too

Because remember?

You set the tone

If you feel good, your family will likely follow

Determine Priorities

This goes into finding what takes and gives you energy

You will find that you have WAY more activities that take energy than you do ones that give energy

You can add more positives, but there are only 24 hours in a day

Your only option?

Set priorities on the energy draining activities and let some go

Remember, your self-care IS a priority

Do not put those at the end of the list

Your family will not fall apart if you put off folding laundry for 10 minutes to do something for you

I know it feels like it sometimes!

Many of us were trained that we cannot do anything fun until our chores are done

That does not work for adults!

There will ALWAYS be something to do.

Now is the time to learn to balance.

Connect with other moms

Motherhood can feel VERY lonely

Even more, if you are a stay at home mom

That is why it is important to connect with other moms

In-person is best, but social media is better than nothing

Be careful who you choose because not all moms are going to be good friends

It is easier to learn how to recover from mom burnout when you do it with the support of other moms

Find someone you can trust 

Venting can help a lot!

The more we hold things in, the more they fester

So find someone trustworthy

Being picky about who you trust is important

I made that mistake!

I vented to someone I should not have and they spread rumors about my family

A therapist can be a great choice for this, but a trusted friend can work too

But seriously, be careful who you choose

How to Recover From Mom Burnout

Use affirmations

Affirmations can be powerful!

But they take time to start working

Our subconscious mind is powerful but doesn’t know the difference between reality and fiction

‘I am’ statements are serious to the subconscious mind

And they become our reality

Affirmations can help you as you learn how to recover from mom burnout!

Tell yourself things like:

  • I am good enough
  • I deserve time to myself
  • My family is lucky to have me
  • I am worth the time I need to feel good

And more

The more you look at yourself and tell yourself these things..

The more you will start to believe them!

Catch yourself when you are comparing to others

The comparison game is common but dangerous!

It has only gotten worse with social media

It is important to remember that magazines are edited

And social media only shows the highlights of life

Most people don’t most the rough times or the messy house

Please don’t compare yourself to an impossible standard!

When you do start to compare, catch yourself 

Affirmations can help during this too to shift your mindset

Try journaling

Journaling can be a powerful tool!

It has helped many moms that are learning how to recover from mom burnout

Like I said before, thoughts and feelings that are bottled up will eat you alive

If you don’t have someone you trust to talk to,

Journaling may be a great replacement or something to do when they aren’t available

Work on living in today, not yesterday, and tomorrow

One of the biggest stresses I have is forgetting to live today

I stress about the past and I stress about the future

Neither one of those help me or my family

Yes, planning for the future and learning from the past are important

But we can do that without allowing the stress to take over.

This takes practice and it is something I am still working on!

I didn’t realize how hard it was to let the past go until I started trying to change the habit

The more you live today, the happier you’ll be 

Plan breaks from your family

Ok I hear you

The mom guilt comes in strong when we start thinking about taking a break from the family

But you need time to yourself! 

You can love your family with all your heart and have an hour a week to yourself

I highly encourage you to do something that is not the social media scroll

The time goes so fast and it rarely recharges you

You may want to play your old favorite game or read a book

Whatever you decide to do, treat it like a non-negotiable appointment

Your life will get WAY better when you start treating yourself as someone valuable 

how to recover from mom burnout

A body in motion stays in motion

Not everyone enjoys exercise

If you are trying to learn how to recover from mom burnout, exercise can help

But it doesn’t have to be anything crazy

Go for a walk,

Have a dance party,

Do a dancing TikTok!

Whatever you want to do that gets your body moving

Science says that a body in motion stays in motion

So if you are not sure how to recover from mom burnout,

This can at least help you while you heal!

Go to bed at the same time every night, without your technology

Our bodies like being on a schedule

So getting to bed at the same time every night can help you a lot

But just as important, do it without technology

I know, I know

I rolled my eyes every time I read that too

But it actually helps!

I sleep better, don’t accidentally stay up late, and I don’t feel the need to look at my phone the moment I wake up

That all by itself has helped my mental state SO much

Because I am starting my day with me and my family, not with everyone else

Stop apologizing

When you apologize for saying no or for struggling, you are telling yourself that you did something wrong

You are human! 

Boundaries are important and not something to be sorry about

And everyone struggles

If someone isn’t struggling in some way, they are lying to you

Learn to only apologize if you did something wrong and plan to actively avoid it in the future

When you are more mindful of apologizing, it is more impactful for you and for others

Don’t be ashamed to seem professional help

Sometimes, you just need some more help

It can take months or years for some people to heal from mom burnout

Especially if you are in habitual burnout

Professional help can be life-changing for you

Don’t be ashamed if it is something you need

Have you ever experienced any of this?

Did you figure out how to recover from mom burnout?

What did you do?

If you have not, what will you try first?