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Meditation seems that the last thing a busy mom needs, 

But is medication helpful for a busy mom??

You would think that productivity would be more important

While it is, there will always be something to do to keep you busy

Being able to stop to take care of your mind and your body is important to avoid burnout.

So yes, meditation is helpful for a busy mom because it reduces stress, brings them back to the here and now, calms her, lifts her mood, and more. 

Another thing that is helpful is mindfulness

What is the difference between mindfulness and meditation?

The biggest difference is that meditation is a practice

There are many different forms of meditation that have different results

Mindfulness is a quality you can have

Mindfulness is being aware of your body and environment

You can be mindful with or without meditating, 

Pin it for later!

What is mindful meditation?

Mindful meditation is a type of meditation where you focus on awareness of your body and feelings with no judgment

It can be easy to fall into being hard on yourself because you don’t think you should be feeling something

This happened A LOT on motherhood!

When I am feeling touched out and overwhelmed, I tend to get mad at myself for those feelings

When you are doing mindful meditation, we are using different methods to approach, validate, and work through those emotions and feelings

This is incredible for relieving stress and even added to some yoga practices

When was the last time that you sat down and listened to your body and feelings?

If you are like me before I started taking the time, then probably never

We seem to think that if we just do more and muscle through, then our mind and body will just.. Forget?

That is not how it works

Meditation is great for focusing on a problem and working through it

Mindful meditation can do that AND help you find the problem in the first place

Does meditation help parents?

Being a parent is one of the HARDEST jobs in the world!

We love our kids, but theta er exhausting and know how to push every button you did not know you had

I didn’t know I had an anger problem until I had kids

Mediation is excellent for parents because of that

Meditation can help reduce stress, address anxiety, manage anger, and bring happiness to your mind

Running away from problems never fixes them

Trust me, I tried for years

The only thing that did was make it worse

Meditation is a free and effective way for parents to recover mentally, even if they can’t leave the house.

I stay at home with my kids

So at night, I step outside to take care of my mind and body

Is meditation helpful for busy moms

How do you meditate when you’re busy?

Another thing that is true for parents…

We are BUSY

There is always something to do or somewhere to be

If you are struggling to find time to meditate, my first recommendation is to pay close attention to all the time you spend throughout the day

Maybe there is a 10 minute pocket of time when you are normally on social media that you can spend taking care of your mind

Try meditating as soon as you wake up, or right before bed

You can meditate while doing activities that don’t need thought

For example, do the breath of life while doing the dishes or laundry

My mind is constantly going

I never do one thing at a time

So I have become mindful of choosing one activity where I meditate instead of thinking about everything

Can meditation be done while working? 

Meditations while working can actually be beneficial!

I am constantly thinking about many things at the same time

By forcing myself to only focus on two:

  1. Work
  2. Breathing

I ground myself, focus better, and relief stress

If you are struggling to keep that (it is normal for your mind to wander)

Take a few deep breaths,

Acknowledge the thoughts are you having,

Let them go,

And start again

is meditation helpful for a busy mom

Is meditation helpful for a busy mom?

Now that you have this new information…

What do you think?

Is meditation helpful for a busy mom?

As a mom that went from being overwhelmed and stressed every moment of the day to being a mom that can ground herself

The answer is YES!

But it is a skill

I tried meditation on and off for a long time

I knew it was going to help, but I wasn’t very good at it

I struggled to sit with my thoughts

And I struggled with the idea of doing “nothing productive”

It wasn’t until I really understood that I was WAY more productive, happy, and understanding when my head was in a good space to see…

Meditation is not doing nothing productive

That is like saying getting your oil changed in your car is not productive

Those oil changes keep your car running smooth and healthy

The longer you go without taking care of yourself, the more you will start to fall apart

If just sitting there is a struggle for you, try doing yoga!

There are many different types of yoga, and something for everyone