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Motherhood can be lonely, and making friends can get hard when you always have kids with you

Making friends a as a stay-at-home mom can feel impossible but there are ways to met people like you!

Remember that you are not the only one struggling with this!

It is more common for moms to be lonely than it is for us to not be lonely

And a simple solution?

Learning to connect with each other more!

Do stay-at-home moms get lonely?

Being a stay-at-home mom is an amazing job, but also one of the loneliest

You are responsible for mini humans 24/7

On top of that, every mom I know has lost a lot of friends after having a baby

Your life drastically changes after becoming a mom and it can be incredibly lonely

Many of us, including myself, have used social media to help with that

But social media can only go so far and can be harmful if you are not careful

It can be easy to just keep pushing through life without creating relationships

But just because you can doesn’t mean that you should

The loneliness that happens can be overwhelming

A study done by the British Red Cross showed that 82% of moms under 30 felt lonely sometimes, and 43% of moms felt lonely most or all of the time

Those are scary numbers!

We are not meant to be alone

We are built to depend on each other

Being a mom should not mean dealing with loneliness all the time

Actually, it is actually the time that community is needed more than ever

Making friends as a stay-at-home mom

Why should you put effort into friendships as a mom?

Relationships, including friendships, are work

But it is worth it as a mom

We need friends and we need community!

The comfort I feel that I can call my friend that lived 5 minutes from us and ask for help is incredible

And she can do the same with me

Not only does this help build your personal community, but it also helps your mental health

A lot!

When I am feeling down and depressed… I often say one thing 

I feel so alone

Having friends that understand you is an amazing tool against that feeling!

Another reason why working towards relationships is important is because our kids are watching us too

My mom never had friends when I was growing up

I don’t remember even one time when she was connecting with someone and built a friendship

Well, maybe one person

But it was more of a mutual understanding that they can ask each other for help

The older I got, the more I started doing the same thing

I got “too busy” with work, homework, chores, and whatever else to put effort into friendships

One reason for that is because that is what I saw and expected adulthood to be like

What kind of friends should I look for?

Just as important as making friends, it is vital to make good friends

This can be the tricky part and I don’t have a great record

But I have learned some things through the toxic friends that I had

The first is making sure there is give and take for both people

I am a giver

My best friend for many years was a taker

You can guess how that turned out

When I went through a rough time and had nothing to give, she was gone

It can also be easy to get caught up in gossip and drama with friends

But the truth is if they are talking behind their back…

They are probably talking behind your back too

The friends that you are looking for will be specific to you

I like to do things with my kids when I am out with friends most of the time

But someone I know prefers to get a babysitter and go drinking with friends

There is no wrong answer

Just make sure you know what you want and find friends that align with that

Not friends that will pressure you to do something you don’t want to do 

How to start making friends as a stay-at-home mom

Now the hard part… How to start making friends as a stay-at-home mom that rarely sees other humans…

Seems impossible sometimes right??

But I promise you that it isn’t

I live in a TINY town as a stay-at-home mom with twin toddlers

If I can do it, so can you

I believe in you!

Here are some ways that you can test out and get started!

1. Go to the park and socialize

One of the most common places moms and their kids hang out in the park

Kids need to get their energy out and moms need a moment to socialize

Every time I’ve been to the park, the other moms were more than happy to talk and interact

I have never asked for a phone number or to meet up again, but I don’t see why not

Sometimes you just need to take a chance with people you hit it off with!

2. Reach out to the neighbors

This one doesn’t really work for me

I am friends with one neighbor but we are not close in age

But this is a real possibility for many moms!

Introduce yourself to the neighbor and plan a day to visit

You won’t get along with every neighbor, but you won’t know until you try!

Making friends as a stay-at-home mom

3. Start a playgroup

This is how I met my local friends

I started a two-hour-per-week playgroup for preschoolers

I got permission from our local grange to have it there

We do it during the rainy months when all the moms are desperate to get out of the house

The kids make friends, and so do the moms!

4. Join a mom group in the community or church

This isn’t an option everywhere and for everyone, but it is still good enough to add to the list

Many churches have groups for fellowship

There are children’s groups, teen groups, and adult groups

There may be a mom group separate from the church as well in your area

All you have to do is check if that is a possibility for you

5. Join mommy and me classes

I love mommy and me classes!

My kids and I do toddler gymnastics

It isn’t perfect for making friends as a stay-at-home mom, but it puts you in the same room as other moms

Try inviting them to dinner, or go to the local library together

You never know what kind of friendship will grow if you take a chance

6. Go to the library’s story time

The library storytime is another place you can meet moms

This is a calm time for kids to get familiar with libraries and storytimes

And you can have a chance to meet new people

Once again, strike up a conversation and see how it goes

Even if it takes a few weeks, you may get comfortable enough with another mom to invite her over 

7. Invite other families over

Once you have done some of these other tips, invite families over!

Invite moms and their kids to a playdate at your house, or try to get dads involved in the evenings or weekends

Most moms are just as nervous to take the leap as you are

Worst case… They say no and you keep trying to find your people

8. Organize a mommy and child trip

I have seen over and over that other moms wish that they could go to the zoo or aquarium with other families

Why not be the one to organize it?

Talk with the moms that you have met

Maybe make a Facebook event

And go!

Worst case, you have fun with your kids

9. Form a childcare swap

One of the great things about making friends as a stay-at-home mom is that you can help each other when needed

I will watch your kids for two hours and you will do the same

We don’t have to worry about childcare costs that way and your kids are with friends that you trust

That is important though

Make sure that you really trust the moms you add to the childcare swap

Have you tried any of these methods to make friends as a stay-at-home mom?