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We hear all the time as parents that we need to do self-care, but reality makes that very difficult!

How am I supposed to do self-care????

I made this list of the things that many of my mom friends enjoy doing as self-care

They range in price and time to help you find something realistic for you

If something pops up that you don’t like or don’t think is possible for you, just move on!

Realistic means something different for everyone, so I tried to have a lot of variety in my suggestions

Manicure or pedicure

I like to do my own nails at home

I use gel nail polish so I can stop and help my kids between layers if I need to

But many moms I know really enjoy going to get their nails done at a salon

Both versions are awesome forms of self-care!

If you are on a budget or enjoy the creativity of doing your own nails…

Do it!

If you have the money and want to go get pampered by someone else

Do it!

There is no right or wrong

The goal is to recharge your mind and body by doing something that makes you happy

Thrift shopping

Thrift shopping is a lot of fun!

If you can give yourself a finders fund for thrift shopping, you can have fun and find amazing things if you get lucky!

Some cities have many thrift stores to visit, while others only have one or two

My city has two thrift shops that I like to visit

I don’t usually find anything amazing

And I try not to buy something just to buy something

But just going out is enjoyable

And those lucky days are extremely exciting!

A hot bath with candles and wine

I am not a bath person, but there are a lot of moms that love baths!

This can be done when a partner or family member watches the kids, or after they go to bed

Fill a tub with hot water, add some fun things like rose pedals or a bath bomb, light some candles, and get a glass of wine if you want

Then just relax

Envision all the stresses of the day coming off you and into the water

Take deep breaths and allow your mind to stop thinking about all the things you need to do

This is a great cure for your body, mind, and soul!

Emotional release

This one may sound silly but I promise that it does wonders for your mental health!

Get all of the emotions you held in and let them all out

You can do this by screaming into a pillow, or going outside

Or in my case, I play some music that helps me release the emotions that are eating me alive

If you are like me, you are probably thinking “yeah, yeah. Not a chance”

I thought it sounded weird when it was first recommended to me

Even though I know how much it helps now, I still struggle to let it out without something (like music) to help me

Something different with your hair

I have struggled with my self-image for years

The goal of self-care is to do something that makes you feel good

For me, one of those things is dying my hair red

I love it and it makes me feel good

Does it take effort and money to upkeep?


But for me, the happiness I get from it is worth it

If you are in a slump, try changing your hair

You would be amazed how much it can help!


Journaling is something I have had to really try to get into

When I am feeling fine, I don’t want to journal

When I am not feeling fine, I struggle to know what to write down

One of my favorite things to do now is to use journal prompts

I just read through prompts until one catches my eye

Then I write it in my journal and just meditate on it for a while

Once I feel like I am ready, I write down everything that comes to my mind because of the prompt

I let it all out

I love it because when I am done…

My mind is silent

My mind is never silent!!!

But journaling is amazing for that

If you haven’t really tried it, I encourage you to give it a shot!

Reading a book

I love to read

I prefer books that I can learn from, but I also like reading stories that make me feel good

I may be a hopeless romantic and love romantic stories that keep my attention!

The great thing about books is that you can read a few pages when you have a moment, or listen to the audiobook

It can be a nice way to spend a few minutes (or hours if you can) for yourself!

Watching a show you enjoy

We all know how it is to constantly watch or listen to the shows that our kids enjoy

One way to show yourself some love is by watching something that you like!

You can do it while the kids are distracted in the same room, or when they go to bed

There is a lot of flexibility

I do discourage watching your show while you do chores if you can avoid it

Some moms like it, but I find it hard to notice important details in the story I am supposed to be enjoying

Face masks

I love face masks!

I do the ones that stay soft and the ones that dry

I am obviously not a face mask expert!

But I do love that I can put them on, do things I need to do, and my skin feels amazing after!

I also use the under-eye patches for the same reason

The funny looks I get from my kids just make it more fun and enjoyable!

Go out into nature

Nature is the best free cure in my opinion

If I am feeling extra stressed, I take my kids to the river we live next to

They get to play and have fun without me, and I get to enjoy the fresh air and peace

But there are many ways to enjoy nature

You can step outside barefoot and use the natural ground to ground yourself

You can go for a hike, or do other outdoor activities

The only requirement is that you are outside and near something nature-ish

For me, this is easy

We live somewhere with more nature than people

For moms in the city, maybe visit a part

Sit and breathe while your kids play on the playground

Find what works for you!

Going to therapy

Therapy is not an option for everyone

I have not had great luck finding a therapist I like, but it is a very real option for some moms

My insurance covers therapy and I am choosing to do the online therapists because I don’t have a babysitter most of the time and we live very far from big cities

If therapy is an option for you, I think you should try it!

Keep in mind that it might take time to find a therapist that you like and that works with you well

If you are unhappy with your therapist… Move on!

As someone who tried to stick with a therapist that I did not do well with, it’s not worth it

Rock out to fast and powerful music

One of my favorite ways to get a boost of energy is to turn on a playlist of songs that get my energy moving

These are songs that make me want to sing loud and move my body

Music is an amazing tool for overall health

And it doesn’t have to cost anything!

Grow a garden

I was never someone who liked to garden…

Until this year

Now I LOVE my plants

I love the fresh lavender I get

And I love getting fruits, vegetables, and herbs from my garden for dinner

It is peaceful and very rewarding

Flower gardens are great too

The great thing about gardens is that they are 100% customizable to your time, ability, and space!

Play video games

I am not a huge video game person

I will enjoy a game for a couple of weeks every once in a while

But it is a real option for many moms!

If you enjoy playing video games, maybe it is time to start again!

Take some time for yourself

I like games that I can pause so I can play during the day, but you can play online games if you have help or time when the kids are in bed


Working out is amazing for your overall health

But it doesn’t have to be crazy or miserable!

It could be a relaxing stretch, a simple walk, or reaching fitness goals

Don’t pay attention to the people saying how fitness is “supposed to be”

Try things out and find what you like

The important part is that you get your body moving!

Cook or bake something nice

I love to cook and bake so this had to be on the list!

I love the process and I love making people around me happy

The dishes aren’t fun, but it is worth it!

I just make sure to make enough that the dishes are worth it

This is a little different than the normal dinners

This is something extra that you make because you want to!

Don’t count normal chores as self-care

Reconnect with your religion

I am not a religious person, but I can see how big it is for a lot of moms

If you are religious, taking time to reconnect to your religion can do amazing things for you!

This could be helping in an outreach, feeding someone who needs food, praying, or anything else that reconnects you to your religion

It can be easy to get so busy that you forget that these parts of yourself

Maybe it is time to reconnect!

Create something (crafting, wood puzzles, legos, etc)

I love to make things

I like to do a large variety of creations like:

  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Crochet
  • Tatting
  • Lotions
  • Candles
  • And more

I just enjoy the satisfaction of putting work into something and getting something amazing at the end

There are so many amazing skills that you can learn whether you can leave your house or not

The challenge is just trying things until you find one or more that you like!

It is also okay if those preferences change

I’ll go a couple of weeks just crocheting, and then need a break for a couple of months

The goal is to do something that makes you happy

And it is normal if the same things don’t make you happy every time

Get a massage

I have never been to a professional massage but I want to!

I hear other moms talk about how amazing it is so it needed to be on the list

This one does require help with the kids and money

I find that my husband is not a reliable source of massage

Stepping away from kids if you need it

Overstimulation is a real issue for all people of all ages

Just because you are a mom now doesn’t mean you are immune to human emotion and overwhelm

If you need to put on a movie or give the kids a tablet for a minute so you can decompress in the bathroom…

Do what you need to do

When I give myself those 30 seconds to recompose, I find that I am calmer and able to care for my kids better

It is the best choice for everyone involved

Learn or play an instrument

I used to play four different instruments:

  1. Piano
  2. Guitar
  3. Violin
  4. Flute

I am pretty naturally gifted at music

Even though I was good at it, it was a chore more than a passion

Just because you are good at something doesn’t mean you are going to like it

The same goes the other way

Just because you aren’t good doesn’t mean you won’t love it

Music takes time to learn, but if you love it then do it!

There is something soul-calming about getting lost in a song you are creating

Hot showers with Eucalypts 

Hot showers are always nice, but I recommend adding dried Eucalypts at least once

The steam releases the amazing oils and it just feels so good

Take a bunch of dried leaves and tie them together

Then attach that bundle to your shower head

It feels so good and adds another layer of pampering to your shower

Practice gratitude

Taking time to practice gratitude is something I try to do every day

I grew up in an abusive situation where I had to be ready for the bad before it came

That created a mental habit of only focusing on the bad or possible bad in my life

It once kept me safe, but I don’t need that anymore

I practice gratitude by writing down at least three things every morning and three things every night that I am grateful for

One of each of those has to be about me

This helps me find the good in my life and the good in me

Volunteer for something important to you

Volunteering for a cause that is important to you can do a lot for your soul

This is different for everyone

I love to feed people

So making food and feeding people is something important to me

You could volunteer at a pet shelter, your local school, donate handmade supplies, and more

I recommend doing something that adds a piece of you

Donating money is amazing, but try to make that personal too

The point isn’t to quickly do something to get your good deed out of the way

The point is to refuel yourself by doing something important to you