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I have always been a high achiever

There was never a goal that I wasn’t working very hard for…

Until I became a mom

Everything I did to reach my goals was no longer possible

I couldn’t spend hours on my goals without distraction anymore and I found myself not setting goals at all

It was too frustrating to set goals and then struggle through every step

And then still not reaching them

I kept telling myself that I will start reaching for goals again when the kids got older

They got older, but things just got harder in different ways

My problem wasn’t that I couldn’t reach goals anymore

It was that I couldn’t do it the same way anymore

I needed to adjust my methods and expectations

How can I be a successful stay-at-home mom?

There are countless ways to be a successful mom

There are countless goals to set for yourself

The first thing you need to do it create a clear image of what a successful mom looks like to you

Make it so clear that it feels like this person is a real person that you could talk to

Then ask yourself questions

Why is this what a successful mom looks like?

Sometimes moms tend to think of success and they think of a spotless home with homecooked meals every day

They think of perfection

That isn’t a successful mom

That is a fantasy that society fed us

I had that mom

She cooked every day and the house was always spotless

But I don’t ever remember getting her time

For me, that isn’t success

I want my kids happy and healthy first

I also have goals to break generational poverty

Question yourself greatly when creating this image of a successful mom

Once you have it, think of ONE thing that needs to change in your life to move towards being the person that you want to be

Don’t do more than ONE

That is when you can start the steps to reaching your goals

I talk more about that below

Why are goals important for stay-at-home moms?

There are many reasons that goals are important for moms:

  1. Goals help moms build their identity
  2. Goals help you remember to dream and then chase dreams
  3. Goals help give structure to your day
  4. Goals give you a tangible sense of accomplishment
  5. Goals give you energy throughout your day
  6. Goals help you learn to be organized and prioritize
  7. Goals help you and your family feel better
  8. Goals help prevent burnout
  9. You can teach your kids about goals through your example

Each one is going to be important to someone

For me, I needed all of them

Once I lost my drive to reach my goals, my life took a turn for the worst

I never took care of myself, was burnt out, had no energy, and was just overall barely surviving each day

My first appearance of trying new goals was in 2020

Sadly, the first few attempts at creating goals and going for them didn’t work out

But I learned a ton

And I learned a ton about me

After only two years, I am a completely different person

I am healthy

I am joyful

And my family followed me

I created goals for more self-care, finding a hobby, eating and cooking better, and creating an income from home

Now I do self-care almost daily, have 5 hobbies that a choose from and love, cook almost everything we eat, and officially made my first dollar online

While a dollar doesn’t feel like much, it is important to celebrate every win

You will get way further using small steps than you would using huge steps

Whatever your reason for the goals you choose, they will improve your life greatly

You will be shocked how many areas of your life improve when you are working towards something

Even if that something is “yelling less every day”

Expect setbacks and failures

Success isn’t reaching the goal

It is working towards that goal every day you can without ever quitting

How to create goals that you can keep up with

Once you have your WHY and your end goal, I have 5 tips for actually reaching your goals:

  1. Start with SMART goals
  2. Break goals down into checkpoints
  3. Break checkpoints into daily actions
  4. Remember to account for rest time and Uh Oh time
  5. Plan for rewards when you reach your checkpoints

All 5 are important!

Start with SMART goals

The first thing you need to do it make your goals tangible

The goal “I will eat better” will not help you at all

SMART stands for:






Your goal needs to be specific

For example, I made a goal to “make all our potato chips at home before the end of the month”

The “all” was measurable

It was only one food item and was very achievable

It was realistic because it only takes a couple hours a week to make 2-3 bags of chips

And “before the end of the month” gave me a time limit

But gave me enough time to test recipes before just going cold turkey on store bought potato chips

My WHY for this goal was because there was evidence that the chips that my kids were eating was harming their healthy and development

Since I have a picky eater that mostly eats chips, this goal was important to me

3 months later, I still make all the potato chips at home

Once I reached that goal, I did the same thing with a new goal

Try not to make the goals something that you can’t control

For example, a specific income from home by the end of the year

You can control the work you put in but not the results

So I make goals on the content that I create

I can measure that goal, feel accomplished, and those actions are what will make the money in the future

Break goals down into checkpoints

Once you have the end goal, break it into checkpoints

The first week I focused on research and finding recipes to try

Then I tried those recipes for a week

I kept revising the third week

The fourth week I figured out how many chips I needed to make so we didn’t have to buy them, and stopped buying them

Check points make a larger goal more reachable

Break checkpoints into daily actions

Once you have your checkpoints, figure out what actions need to be done to reach each check points and schedule them into your days or week

Having goals is great but you need to know what you need to do

What actions are needed for those goals and when are you going to do those actions

Schedule them just like any important appointment

Keep in mind that the time you have is limited as a mom

So don’t put too much on your schedule, but you need to schedule or plan to do something

Remember to account for rest time and Uh Oh time

Rest time is very important

Don’t skip it!

My first mistake when learning my goals was trying to do too much

I filled every 30 minutes of my day with something

Make sure you have time to rest, play with your kids, spend time with your partner, and…

Plan for Uh oh time

My uh oh time is when I do the actions that didn’t get done because life got in the way

If the day went great and uh oh time isn’t needed, then it turns into play time

Don’t find new things to put there

Use that time for you

Plan for rewards when you reach your checkpoints

Lastly, think of ways to reward yourself when you reach checkpoints and goals

I have a celebration with my kids

We sing and dance and have fun

Maybe I make a treat for us

But think of a reward that excites you so you are more excited to do the actions needed to reach your goals