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I grew up in an abusive situation

It took years to even realize that I needed boundaries, then I needed to actually make the boundaries

But I had no idea where to start

I ended up starting the best I knew how

There are 5 types of boundaries

  1. Physical Boundaries
  2. Emotional Boundaries
  3. Sexual Boundaries
  4. Intellectual Boundaries
  5. Financial Boundaries

Starting with the types and then creating boundaries in each category helped me to focus and have direction

Boundaries are healthy and important

They keep us safe from abuse and people that will take advantage

Learning to enforce boundaries can be hard, but it is important

Boundaries are your right in life

Anyone who disagrees doesn’t need to be in your life

Physical Boundaries

Physical boundaries are what you are ok with and not ok with physically

There are no right or wrong answers

A big physical boundary that we teach our kids is not to allow people to touch where the bathing suit goes

But there are other boundaries that you can create for yourself too

One that I am teaching my kids is to tell people they don’t want a hug

Even if it is family

If they are not comfortable giving someone a hug, they have a right to say no

And so do I

People pleasing can make boundaries hard because people get really upset if they aren’t used to those boundaries

But you don’t have to be mean about it unless that is required to get them to respect you

Your body is your body and you have the choice to make whatever boundary that you need to feel safe

Emotional Boundaries

Emotional boundaries are a little harder to create

With physical boundaries, the boundaries are tangible

Emotional boundaries are not

But they are just as important

Emotional boundaries are what you are ok with dealing with emotionally and what you are not

One of my emotional boundaries is who I am willing to vent to and talk about things that are troubling me

I found out the hard way that not everyone close to me is trustworthy

I don’t have distrust issues, but I am very careful about who I share those emotions with

Who you have relationships with are emotional boundaries too

I had to cut off most of my family and friends because they did not respect my boundaries

Keep those relationships was not possible if I wanted to keep my boundaries

Romantic relationships are the same

One of the major things I looked for in a partner was someone willing to listen to what I had to say and care about what I had to say

I am big on communication

And I expect my partner to listen when I communicate a need or issue, and I want them to communicate with me as well

Sexual Boundaries

Sexual boundaries are usually taught early in life but most kids aren’t taught how to create these boundaries

We just tell them to say no if people want to touch them

Which is important!

But sexual boundaries don’t stop when you are in a relationship or married

That is a common issue in today’s world

I believe that self-defense needs to be taught along with sexual boundaries

Teaching ourselves and our kids how to decide what is ok and what is not

Teaching them to use their words to express those boundaries

And teaching them how to defend themselves if someone won’t listen to the words

Intellectual Boundaries

Intellectual boundaries refer to thoughts and ideas. 

I was told as a child to be careful to who I tell my ideas because some people will steal ideas

But it is more than that

When is the last time you were excited about something and someone told you it is dumb?

Or they dismissed your idea?

Those are breaching intellectual boundaries

These events in your life really affect your mental health

Now if your idea is dangerous to yourself or others, then that needs to be communicated

But there is a right way and a wrong way to do that

There is never a time when someone should tell you that you are dumb or that you are an idiot

Another intellectual boundary is allowing comparisons

I think we have all experienced being told or hearing someone be told that they should be more like someone else

Any boundary that is connected to your personality, thoughts, ideas, passions, and anything else in your head is an intellectual boundary

Financial Boundaries

Financial boundaries are boundaries connected to money

I hear this problem a lot with boys struggling with a girlfriend that wants expensive gifts all the time

Your relationship isn’t a healthy one if it is built on how much you spend on your partner

But this can go for friends too

I wish I had financial boundaries as a child

Many of my friends growing up took advantage of me being the only one in the group with a job

They were friends when I could buy them things and bullies when I couldn’t

My child brain didn’t recognize that as unhealthy

I just knew that I needed money and needed to buy them things so I would have friends

Financial boundaries can be insisting that you have a job as a mom because you want your own income and career

If you are a stay-at-home mom, it could be deciding how to split the finances so you have your own money

This prevents total dependence which causes a lot of people to get stuck in relationships that aren’t healthy

Any boundary that is connected to money in any way is a financial boundary

Why are boundaries important?

Boundaries are hard to create and enforce if you have never done it before

But they are so important

Boundaries keep you safe and healthy

And they help you decide if someone is good for you or not

When I created the intellectual boundary that doesn’t allow anyone to belittle me…

Enforcing that was really hard

Because I had family that would do it regularly

I gave them a couple of warnings to stop and then cut them off

I felt terrible and hated every second

But the results were worth it

My life improved a lot

Boundaries are hard to start, but they get easier to enforce with time

And that first time that you see your life change before your eyes because of the boundaries you set will change your life

Who should you have boundaries with?

You should have boundaries with everyone in your life

They will be a little different depending on where you are in life

It is difficult to set boundaries with an infant

But create boundaries that are appropriate

Even children need boundaries

You creating boundaries with them helps them learn to create their own

Teach them how to create them and how to enforce them in a healthy way

The biggest difference is that you don’t cut your children off if they don’t respect boundaries right away

They are learning

But don’t stop reminding them and enforcing those boundaries

What do you need to do if someone is disrespecting boundaries?

What you do if someone disrespects boundaries is the hard part for me

The first thing you need to do is communicate that they passed a boundary

And communicate clearly

There needs to be no room for interpretation

Tell them what they did and how it made you feel

And them not to do it again

Even if you have to remind them a few times

Depending on the severity of the disrespect, distance may be needed

Major boundaries were passed a few years ago with my mom

I had to distance myself for a while and then reconnected when I was ready

You don’t have to cut them out

But sometimes a break is needed to help you recenter and help them know that you are serious

Your boundaries are not a joke

And you expect them to be respected