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One of the ways I have overcome my anxiety is by participating in yoga

But which type of yoga is best for stress relief?

It depends on what you are looking to feel, but Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra are great choices

Stress is awful for your body and can destroy your health

But once you are in that fight or flight mode, it can be hard to get better

Over time with my anxiety, I have discovered that I need something that required a little focus, but nothing crazy or difficult

Yoga is a great option because it does require you to focus on movement and breathing,

But not so difficult that starting when you have anxiety is impossible 

What are the ways that yoga can reduce stress?

Stress and overthinking are very connected

Yoga can help reduce stress because it encouraged mental and physical relaxation, peace, and focus

Yoga is a great way to get those stresses calmed so that you can think clearly as you face your problem

Doing yoga outside is great for stress too, as long as you are worried about the neighbors!

A huge part of yoga is breath work and awareness, which is highly effective for reducing stress

Which Type of Yoga is Best For Stress Relief
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Which type of yoga is best for stress relief?

In short… It depends!

I know, I know!

I hate getting that answer too, but I won’t leave you hanging

There are two ways to reduce stress with exercise 

  1. Calming and relaxing exercise
  2. Fast and sweaty exercise

Most yoga won’t be fast, but will work out your body greatly

But I am going to zoom in on four yoga types that are calming for your mind, body, or both

Hatha Yoga: Reducing stress levels through slow movement

Hatha Yoga is a branch of yoga that uses physical movement to channel energy.

It can help you with:

  • Better sleep
  • Improved depression symptoms
  • Strengthening core muscles
  • And helping with stress management

This is a yoga that emphasizes holding poses for long periods of time

And can be a great introduction to body postures, breathing techniques, and meditation

One thing that is special about Hatha Yoga is that it has you do enough to have to focus, but not so much that you continue being stressed and overwhelmed

It helps you pull those intense thoughts in and focus on centering yourself and your emotions

It is considered a gentle yoga, but it can still be challenging

So test out different levels and classes until you find one that is challenging for you, but not too challenging

Some common poses for beginners are:

  1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
  2. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
  3. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
  4. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)
  5. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
  6. Halasana (Plough Pose)
  7. Sirsasana (Head Stand)
  8. Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
  9. Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)
  10. Dhandurasana (Bow Pose)

To learn more about each and how to do them, tap here

Which Type of Yoga is Best For Stress Relief

Yin Yoga: Calming stressed and tight muscles

Yin Yoga is another slow-paced style of yoga that incorporates traditional Chinese medicine

This one also has you holding poses for a long time

Maybe even five minutes or more if you are advanced!

Some of the benefits of Yin Yoga are:

  • Calms and balances mind and body
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Increases circulation
  • Improves flexibility
  • Improves joint mobility
  • Helps manage stress

The focus on Yin Yoga is to calm stressed and tight muscles, which has a great effect on your stress levels!

You sit in the poses and observe your thoughts and emotions

It is a great reset for your mind and body!

Some great beginner poses are:

  1. Child’s Post
  2. Cat/Cow
  3. Ragdoll
  4. Gecko
  5. Half split
  6. Head to knee forward bend
  7. Wide legged Straddle
  8. Butterfly
  9. Pigeon
  10. Sphinx

If you want to learn more about these and more poses, tap here

Restorative yoga: Mental overwhelm or physical injury

Restorative Yoga is one of my personal favorites!

It is relaxing and really does help with my stress and mood

It is a restful practice all about slowing down and opening up through passive stretches

Which just means that you are not using force to stretch

You just go into the pose and let outside forces, like gravity, pull you deeper

Some benefits of Restorative Yoga are:

  • Relaxing your mind and body
  • Soothes the nervous system
  • Betters your mood
  • Reduces chronic pain
  • Improves sleep
  • Improves well-being
  • Gentle on your body
  • Helps manage your stress

This is a great style of Yoga to start in

When I finished my surrogacy journey, I was really struggling with strength of mind and body

Restorative Yoga was so powerful for me

It was easy enough where I could do it in my weakened state,

But powerful enough to make a huge difference in my life!

Some beginner poses are:

  1. Child’s pose
  2. Seated Cat/Cow
  3. Supported Bridge Pose
  4. Reclining Bound Angle Pose
  5. Thread the Needle Pose
  6. Supported Forward Fold
  7. Sleeping Pigeon
  8. Supine Spinal Twist
  9. Supported Fish Pose
  10. Legs Up the Wall

If you want to know more about these poses, tap here

Yoga Nidra: Regulating the body and emotions

Yoga Nidra is a great combination of yoga and meditation

The difference is that meditation puts all effort and awareness on a single focus

But Yoga Nidra guides you through layers to reach something deeper

I find that it is more helpful than meditation when I don’t know how I am feeling or understand my thoughts

If my brain is in stress chaos, Yoga Nidra is very powerful

Some benefits of Yoga Nidra are:

  • One of the easiest Yoga styles
  • You cannot practice incorrectly
  • It is easy to add into daily life (self care anyone???)
  • Gives you a chance to learn more about yourself
  • Simple way to reduce stress

If you are unsure about being able to do poses physically, then Yoga Nidra is a great option for you

There are so many guided videos on YouTube!

Just get started and see what you like!

Which Type of Yoga is Best For Stress Relief

So, which type of yoga is best for stress relief?

Well, it depends on your needs! 

There are so many other options for yoga

My biggest advice is to try them and see what you like

I started testing different yoga styles and quickly figured out what I like and what I don’t like

It is normal to have some Yoga styles that you enjoy and others that you just don’t like

No stress! Just keep experimenting

Just give each one a week to try out