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I don’t think I have met one mom that hasn’t experienced or is currently totally exhausted

It is part of the job description

But you may know that there are different kinds of tired

Figuring out which one you are can help you fight the constant exhaustion and feel better more than you feel terrible

There are 11 reasons you may be exhausted that I came up with and experienced as a twin mom:

  1. The mental load is exhausting
  2. Hormones make a huge impact
  3. You do a lot of work!
  4. You aren’t getting enough good sleep
  5. Eating enough nutrients is hard
  6. We tend to put our needs last
  7. We lose all sense of who we are
  8. You are always hyper-vigilant
  9. We feel guilty for doing fun things for ourselves
  10. Humans aren’t meant to multi-task, but we have to
  11. Moms expect perfection from themselves

You may be experiencing one or more of these, but they all have something in common

They all take away energy and contribute to your exhaustion

The mental load is exhausting

Mental load

Decision fatigue

Having to remember everything

These are things that are often put on the mom of the family

I experience this one a lot

My husband tries, but he has a terrible memory

My mental load is extremely heavy and it takes a lot of energy

Even if I am not doing anything, my brain is working a million miles an hour 

Everything that we do as humans either gives us energy or takes it

The mental load definitely takes it

One of the only things I have found that helps this is to write down everything

To-do lists, calendar events, meal plans, ideas for the kids, etc

By writing it down either on paper or digitally, I can let it go in my mind

I find that my mind repeats things over and over again which only makes things more exhausting and overwhelming

The only time I get mental peace is when I have removed everything from my mind and put them on paper

This includes journaling thoughts or mental meltdowns

If it is overwhelming my brain, it goes on paper

Hormones make a huge impact

I didn’t realize how much hormones affected me until I went off birth control

I turned into a completely different person!!!

Instead of always feeling terrible, drained, and emotionally depleted…

I felt energized and more prepared to take on the day

This feeling only increased when I worked on our diets and took the right supplements

Hormones do more than we realize

If you are on medicine that involves hormones at all, that may be a big reason that you are always tired

You do a lot of work!

I know it doesn’t always feel like it

There are times I clean my home multiple times a day and it still looks destroyed in 5 minutes

But it is true!

You do a lot!

Take a few minutes and write down everything you do like you are instructing someone else

For example, don’t say “clean the house”

You have to list it out:

  • Pick up the toys in the living room
  • Dust the tables
  • Vacuum
  • Dust the fans
  • Clean the windows
  • Start the laundry
  • Etc

When you list everything that you do like that, you will quickly see that you do a lot

One thing that I encourage you to do is to look at that daily list and see what you can make every other day instead

Then make time for you so you can recharge

The to-do list can wait if your health is on the line

You can’t do anything when you are too burnt out or sick from doing it all

And remember to appreciate yourself

You do a lot

You aren’t getting enough good sleep

Sleep is something that most moms struggle with

You either don’t get enough sleep or you don’t get good enough sleep

There are different sleep cycles that you need to feel rested

You need stage 3 sleep to heal your body

And you need REM sleep to heal your mind

The problem is that your mind knows that waking up during those cycles is very hard

And you go into them less knowing that your babies may need you at any moment

This leads to surface level sleep that doesn’t actually give you any rest

Meditation and a nightly plan are my ways of helping this

My husband is great and takes the night shift, but not everyone gets that

Pay attention to what your kids need at night and have it ready before you go to bed

The less you are worried about not being awake enough if they need you, the better you will sleep

Eating enough nutrients is hard

Moms are busy and often end up eating the easiest things they can find because of the exhaustion

Sadly, that only makes the exhaustion worse

Your body needs a healthy mix of fuel to function right

So taking the times to give your body what it needs is important to keep your energy up

I like to prep ahead

I spend a little time every week to make easy meals that I can grab throughout my day

We tend to put our needs last

Every mom that I have met, including me, has struggled with the idea that everything needs to be done first before they do anything for themselves

The problem is that there is never a time when everything is done!

So what we do is we give and give until we have nothing left

Then we feel guilty that we can give as much as we used to

It isn’t possible to give so much without filling for long

The expectations that we give ourselves sets us up for failure

One of the things I do to help is imagine my kids doing what I am doing

Would I be proud?

Or would I be worried?

If I don’t think it is healthy for my kids, then I need to reevaluate why I am doing it to myself

We lose all sense of who we are

I hear it over and over again

And I experienced it myself

Being a mom tends to take over every part of your life

If you can’t pee by yourself, how are you supposed to do things that you enjoy?

The less you do things that feed your soul, the more you lose who you are

Then the day comes when you don’t know who you are outside of being a mom

I was there

I didn’t know who I was and felt so tired and burnt out

The only things waiting for me were work and more exhaustion

Of course i loved my kids, but I had nothing left in me 

I felt broken and lost

Good news is that your are not broken and lost

You just need to set  your soul on fire again

Whie it isn’t easy, doing little things for you throughout the day works

But that looks different for everyone

I want you to start a notebook

Every time you try something new or do things you regularly do, write down the action and how you felt after

You are looking for actions that give you a skip in your step and fill your heart with joy

For me, creating things with my hands and making food that my family loves fills my heart with joy

So I make time at least every other day to do those things

Even if I only do it for a few minutes

Find the things that make you feel like you again and do those things more often

And don’t be surprised if those things change throughout your life

You are always hyper-vigilant

I have special needs twins

I am on constant high alert

But I think all default parents understand this

You are constantly listening for things out of the ordinary, paying attention to threats, looking for things that they need, and more

Even when you are sleeping you are on high alert because your kids may wake up and need you

Or you are on top of your phone when your kids are at the babysitter just in case

This state of hyper-vigilance is exhausting

I don’t have a lot of solutions for this except learning to trust others

If kids are with the babysitter, keep your phone near but learn to stop constantly worry

Talk to your partner about taking shifts on who is taking a break and who is the person in charge (if you have a partner willing to do that)

The key is that you have to learn because hyper-viligance is a habit

And habits take time and effort to change and adjust

We feel guilty for doing fun things for ourselves

Most moms know al too much about mom guilt

We have convinced ourselves that time used on us is somehow taking away from our children

This is just not true

Your kids need time to do fun things, and so do you

You didn’t stop being human when you became a mom

I have the same suggestion that I had before

If your kids talked to themselves and treated themselves the way you are, would you be worried or proud?

Humans aren’t meant to multi-task, but we have to

As someone who was once very proud of being able to always multi-task…

It isn’t good for us

The truth is that our brains can’t multi-task

We are just switching between tasks at very fast rates

But our brains use a lot of energy every time we switch tasks

We can do more with less energy if we do one thing at a time and switch tasks as little as possible

But that isn’t the reality of a mom

We have to do several things at the same time or nothing would get done

Just realizing that multi-tasking takes a lot of energy may be enough to have an AHA moment

Instead of trying to do 5 things at the same time, do as few tasks at the same time as you can

You will find that you get more done because you don’t have so much time and energy burnt from switching tasks all the time

Moms expect perfection from themselves

We teach our kids that mistake happen and that it doesn’t define them, but then we beat ourselves up over every little thing we do

Even if we do something well, we beat ourselves up because we could have done it better

This does two things to your energy levels

It is exhausting to have such high expectations all the time

And it takes away the energy recovery when we take the good and make it bad

That means that we are taking away twice the energy for every task than they should be taking

No wonder moms are exhausted!

Working on self-talk is a huge part of changing this

You are not perfect and your kids don’t need you to be

There is no good from a perfect parent

Kids learn to handle mistakes from watching their parents handle mistakes

If you pretend that you have no faults, they will feel less about themselves because they can’t reach your level of perfection

Even if that perfection isn’t real

Be real about your mistakes and be an example of how to work through those mistakes in a healthy way

What can we do about it?

Knowing why you are exhausted is a perfect first step to breaking the cycle

I believe that there will always be a level of exhaustion as a parent, but it doesn’t have to be so chronically terrible

Learn your reason or reasons for being exhausted and take small steps towards change

Don’t try to change all at once because you are more likely to fail

Smal steps are more successful and they add up fast

You got this!