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I have always been a thinker and a planner

I actually really enjoy it, but it still takes a toll when I am doing too much 

Everything that we do, both physically and mentally, uses energy

The difference is that no one questions someone being tired from physical work

But a lot of mental work is invisible

And the effort that gets put in is ignored

There is a lot of mental work in motherhood, and we often call it the mental load. Remembering appointments, meal planning, thinking of household needs, thinking ahead, making decisions, paying attention to what kids are doing, and keeping track of where everything is kept is just a few

In my home, I definitely do a lot of the mental load

My husband is amazing and I do a lot of it to myself

Trauma has caused me to want to know everything and stay in control

I am working on that

But from carrying all the mental load for so long, it is definitely heavy

What is the mental load?

There are two types of work:

  1. Physical work
  2. Mental work

Most of the time, mental work has to be done before physical work is possible

But it isn’t as recognized because it is mostly invisible

Think about all the mental work that has to happen before building a house

Plans have to be made, numbers run, and so much more

All of the mental work is part of the mental load

ts of the mental load is just paying attention all of the time

Even while I am typing this, I am listening to my two kids to help me know what they are doing

If I don’t hear them or something sounds strange, I know to go check on them 

They are just across the room but having constant awareness is mandatory

I am also paying attention to smell all the time

One of my kids is in the poop-smearing phase

That means I need to be able to catch that smell ASAP because he always quietly goes to a corner to do it

Being constantly aware takes a lot of energy, but is mostly invisible

People don’t realize how much goes into just being aware until they have to do it

And even then, we aren’t taught to appreciate that

I am lucky that my husband takes the night shifts when the kids get up because many moms have to be aware 24/7

I truly believe that I am able to do everything that I do because I can fully shut off at night

During the night, my husband is carrying most of the mental load

Is it as much as I do during the day?

No, but it is what there is at night

Just being aware of when the kids wake up and need him

Why is it important for moms to understand?

I believe that moms need to fully understand what they are doing for their family

There is a huge issue where moms think they are not doing enough

It can feel very repetitive doing the same things every day and having it look like they are never done

Anyone that has cleaned a house with toddlers understands

Every time I clean one thing, three more things get taken out

I have had to embrace the clean chaos

There might be toys everywhere but it is clean

I have had a lot of issues feeling useless

Like nothing I do is really doing anything

But the more I dig into the mental load that I carry, the more I learn that I am very valuable

I am the mental work that makes everything in my home run smoothly

Saying the mom is useless is like saying the manager is useless

But she is also the main worker

Even though motherhood doesn’t get a paycheck, the work that you do it priceless

I am lucky to have a husband that sees the value in everything that I do

And he reminds me when I forget and get hard on myself

But the more you pay attention to all the work that you do

Mental and physical

The less you can honestly look at yourself and say that you are doing nothing

What are some examples of mental load that most or many moms have?

There are so many examples of the mental load in motherhood, but these are some of the most common:

  1. Remembering appointments
  2. Planning meals
  3. Thinking about grocery trips
  4. Considering roadblocks or problems that might come up
  5. Thinking about household chores that need to be done
  6. Remembering homework that kids need to do
  7. Remembering events and birthdays
  8. Budgeting
  9. Making decisions
  10. Paying attention to where kids are at all times
  11. Knowing where everything is kept

I think you can recognize most or even all of these in your life

I have taken a few of these out of my mental load

For example, I don’t remember appointments or events

I put them in my calendar and set it to remind me a day before and the day of

If it is something that I need a gift for, I will set a reminder for a week ahead  so I can get that gift in time

I do 2-week meal planning, but even deciding what  you are going to eat that night is meal planning

They both require mental work

I find that 2 week planning required less work from me

I can get it all done in a half hour and not worry about it for 2 weeks

Just because I have meals set to days doesn’t mean that is always what happens

Sometimes I will swap days so I can eat something else

But the idea is still the same

Less mental load

Once I have my meal plan, I use a grocery app to make my list and just pick up my groceries every 2-weeks

There is a lot of mental load in motherhood, but you don’t have to carry it all

Use the tools that are available in today’s world to your advantage

You got this!