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I created these affirmations for moms because it was hard to find time to work on myself, even though it was needed

I have dreams and goals, and a lot of them are related to motherhood

Our brains resist things that don’t align without identity

So I have to change that identity to change my life

That’s where affirmations come in

They may seem like simple statements, but they can help you step into the identity of your choice…

If you keep working with them

One of the parts of motherhood I struggled with is feeling beautiful with my new stomach 

It was a BIG struggle 

I still struggle, but it is getting better 

The more I change my belief on what beauty is with my affirmations, the more beautiful I feel

There are so many thoughts and beliefs that affect us as mothers

And I’ve experienced many of them

So I wanted to share these affirmations for moms with you so they can change your life like that changed mine

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are statements that have the power to slowly change the way you see yourself and your life

Affirmations can be long or short statements that target your subconscious mind

Your subconscious mind is in charge of determining what we can do in our life

It is our rule book

Our conscious mind is what we can control, but we cannot overrule our subconscious mind

Which we cannot control or feel

The good news is that we can trick it into rewriting our life rule book to create the life and identity that we want

It takes time and patience, but affirmations can impact your life and your mind in amazing ways

I am going to give some examples further down on affirmations that you can use to become the mom and woman you want to be, but you can move away from them

Affirmations are statements that you want to be true but don’t think that they are yet

If you struggle with beeling beautiful, statements like “I am beautiful” or “I am radiant” could help you work towards creating that belief

But the good news is that your subconscious is pretty easy to trick

If you feel weird or uncomfortable saying “lies”, remember that your conscious mind is thinking that

And it has no power compared to the subconscious mind that is believing every word you say

affirmations for moms

How do affirmations work?

Affirmations help you change the beliefs that create who you are

Our lives are made of habits and beliefs

Great thing about both… They are changeable!

You don’t have to live with core beliefs that don’t help you reach your goals

The subconscious mind is what controls your habits and beliefs

It is super powerful!

But does not kow the difference between the truth or a lie that you say

The more you say something, the more your subconscious mind will integrate it into your identity

You don’t even have to say anything!

You can think a statement over and over have similar results

Affirmations are the statements you CHOOSE to be added to your subconscious mind

And then added to your beliefs about your life

Warning though…

If you have a belief that contradicts the affirmation…

I found that it is a struggle to do them

You may feel resistance

And learning the affirmation will take longer for your subconscious mind

That is because it has to unlearn one thing before learning the new statement

Just keep going

My system is:

  1. Take a few deep breaths
  2. Think of 3 things you are grateful for
  3. Repeat chosen affirmations at least 3 times
  4. Take a few more deep breaths

This should take less than 5 minutes a day

Keep on going with the same affirmations until you don’t feel any resistance telling your reflection those statements

Why Should Mothers Do Affirmations?

Moms are busy

There is always a million and one things to do

Since our brains are always learning and adjusting, our minds tends to get more unhealthy

Between high expectations and exhaustion, moms often struggle a lot

Since our brains are going to learn no matter what, we might as well learn what we want to learn

5 minutes a day can help you become the woman and the mother that you want to be

I have some suggested affirmations for moms,

But feel free to just use them as inspiration and create your own!

Statements that show a truth you want and begin with ‘I am’ are very powerful

Don’t forget to use the same affirmations everyday for a long time

At absolute minimum, they should be repeated for 21 days in a row

But I repeat them until I don’t feel any internal resistance when I say them with confidence

46 Affirmations For Moms

  1. I am a great mom!
  2. My body is beautiful and strong because it created my children
  3. My best looks different everyday, but it is always good enough
  4. I love my children, and that makes me a good mom
  5. I take time for my wants and hobbies
  6. I am powerful enough to reach my goals as a mother and as a human
  7. I walk through life with grace and patience
  8. I welcome help when it is offered to me
  9. I ask for help when I need it
  10. I don’t just survive, I thrive!
  11. I am a good mom, even when I lose my cool
  12. I am a good example to my kids
  13. If I don’t succeed the first time, I try again
  14. I look for the good in every day
  15. I look for the good in myself and my kids
  16. I surround myself with people that are good for my mental health
  17. I do the best I can to prepare healthy food
  18. I spend time with my kids to make important memories
  19. My worth is not determined by the chores that I do
  20. I am proud of who I am
  21. I plan ahead to reach my daily and life goals

Affirmations for Busy Moms

  1. It is ok so say ‘no’ if I don’t want to do something
  2. I need to take care of myself so I can be the best mom I can be
  3. I am a priority in my life
  4. My family loves and appreciates me, even when they forget to tell me
  5. I don’t change myself to make everyone happy

For more, click here

Affirmations for Mom Guilt

  1. I love myself
  2. I do my best everyday, and that is more than enough
  3. I do not expect myself to do everything
  4. I ask for help without shame or guilt
  5. I love my kids, and that makes me a good mom

For more, click here

Affirmations for Overwhelmed Moms

  1. I am a great mom
  2. If my kids are loved and cared for, I had a successful day
  3. I do not have to do everything to be a great mom
  4. I choose to take care of myself
  5. I become a more confident mother every day

For more, click here

Affirmations for Struggling Moms

  1. I am doing my best, and that is more than enough
  2. I am built for this
  3. I am exactly what my kids need
  4. Memories of my kids playing with their mom are more important than a clean house
  5. I stay calm, even in the middle of chaos

For more, click here

Funny Affirmations for Moms

  1. A messy house means that my kids had fun today!
  2. If I could believe in Santa Cause for 8 years, I can believe in myself today
  3. I am a bad bitch and can overcome anything thrown at me
  4. I can transform chaos into comedy
  5. Life is better when I am laughing at it

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