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As a mom, I quickly saw a need for affirmations for overwhelmed moms

I was trying to do everything

And if I am honest, I still fall back on that habit

Affirmations take time because we are both

  1. Making a new mental habit
  2. Unlearning a previous habit

For overwhelmed moms, we need to unlearn the expectations that we have on ourselves

I was putting so much stress on myself!

I thought I was a bad mom if I had dirty dishes

Or I would stay awake worrying that I was ruining my kids

The stress was there constantly and only growing

I knew that I needed to make a change, but I had little time to devote to changing my life

Affirmations are a simple and quick solution

Affirmations for overwhelmed moms can help you see the good instead of just the shortcomings

When you change your thoughts, you change your life

affirmations for overwhelmed moms pinterest

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are statements to help you become the person you want to be.

We think things about ourselves and our lives every day

Some things seem harmless until it’s not anymore

I used to say things like “wow, I am stupid” when I made a silly mistake.

I didn’t ACTUALLY think I was stupid because of that mistake and did not take it seriously

‘I am’ statements are one of the most powerful statements we can make

And many affirmations use them

That is because our subconscious mind believes everything we tell it

It doesn’t understand lies or sarcasm

It is literally, and powerful enough to create or change your identity

I am a pretty smart person

I learn quick, got straight As in school, and I am great at problem-solving

But the more comfortable I got with saying “wow. I am stupid”

The more I began to believe it

Affirmations work the same way

But are positive

You start by saying statements you want to be true, but don’t believe yet

And keep working it until your subconscious starts to make a change

How do affirmations work?

All habits are made by repeating three steps

A trigger (something that starts the habit)

The habit

And the reward

For example, an alarm is a trigger, waking up at 5 am is the habit, and drinking your coffee outside alone is the reward

Affirmations are a mental habit

So you need to create all three steps

You can make the trigger something you are already doing out of habit

Like brushing your teeth

Then just add the new habit right after

Affirmations work like every other habit, except they are are simple statements that change your mindset and identity

When you add these statements to your daily routine, they will start to change the subconscious wiring that you have

Which controls your impulses and believes about life

They can help you see more good, be more patient, or most other personal goals that you may have

There are affirmations that you can use, like the ones below, but you can make your own too!

Just write statements that state your goals in the present tense

‘I am’ statements are extra powerful!

89-94% of moms today are overwhelmed

Being a mom is crazy overwhelming!

We are responsible for mini humans that do things without a second thought of their safely

They depend on us for everything, every moment of every day

Unless we have help, we don’t get breaks

Its no wonder that about 90% of moms are overwhelmed!

There are a number of things that can help you when you are overwhelmed,

Like self care,

But affirmations can make a big impact too!

Most of our life is determined by our perception

Affirmations help us change that perception

Many of us believe that we are bad moms if we don’t have a perfectly clean house

But is that true?

I believe that memories of a present and happy mom is more important than a perfect house

How much stress will disappear from your life if you let go of those expectations?

Change your thoughts, change your life

31 Affirmations For Overwhelmed Moms To Have a Happier Life

31 Affirmations for Overwhelmed Moms

  1. I am a great mom
  2. If my kids are loved and cared for, I had a successful day
  3. I do not have to do everything to be a great mom
  4. I choose to take care of myself
  5. I become a more confident mother every day
  6. I choose not to compare myself to over moms and women
  7. My family loves and appreciates me, even when they forget to tell me
  8. I am creative and brilliant ideas flow from me
  9. I have survived every day day so far, and I will survive this
  10. I am thriving not just surviving
  11. I am enough
  12. I am beautiful
  13. I am valuable
  14. My mind, body, and spirit are healthy 
  15. I am powerful
  16. Wanting to rest does not make me lazy
  17. I take care of myself so I can be the best mother I can be
  18. I am giving my children the best future I can
  19. I can love my children without loving every moment with them
  20. I do not expect perfection from myself
  21. I am exactly what my child needs
  22. I am a goddess
  23. I am amazed at my ability to create life
  24. My stretch marks are gorgeous
  25. There is peace and love in my home, even in the mist of chaos
  26. I do my best as a mom, and that is always enough
  27. My best looks different every day, but it is always enough
  28. I was not made to give up
  29. I may bend, but I will never break
  30. I love myself unconditionally
  31. The best memories are made during a mess

I hope this helps you!

They may be uncomfortable to say for a long time

I encourage you to stand in front of a mirror  and write them with a dry-erase marker

Tell these statements to your reflection every day

It will take time, but you’ll slowly start to believe them

It is still important to practice self care

Taking care of yourself will help you beat the overwhelm

What are your favorite affirmations for overwhelmed moms?