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21 Funny Affirmations For Moms and Why They Work

Many people heal and grow through humor, and funny affirmations for moms are amazing for that!

Affirmations often feel weird when you are first starting, and having some fun will help make the process a little smoother

There are many different parts of motherhood that can be improved with affirmations and mindset

When I first started affirmations, I took them WAY too seriously

Which did not help my journey

I was not having fun with it and not really open to the change they could make in my life

I tried several times to get started and struggled to stay with it every time

But one day I realized that the thoughts that went through my head every day were not healthy

I thought of myself in mean and cruel ways

And said some terrible things about myself

I knew that things had to change

So my affirmations journey started again, but this time I was going to approach it differently

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that help you challenge negative and unwanted thoughts and beliefs

The subconscious mind is powerful, but not great at telling the difference between what’s real and what’s fake

Have you ever met someone that lied to themselves so often that they actually believed those lies were true?

I have!

Many times

At the beginning of their lie, they told themselves the same thing over and over

And the subconscious could not tell that it was a lie, so it rewired the brain to see that lie as truth

We can use affirmations to turn into someone that we want to be because of this 

Do you want to feel beautiful and confident?

Use affirmations to trick your mind into forming truth around those beliefs

‘I am’ statements are extra-powerful

The more you use ‘I am’ statements, the more they become your identity

How do affirmations work?

It may seem weird, but science confirms that if you say something out loud, it will happen

Affirmations work very similar to habits

I would even say that affirmations are the process of making new thought habits

The subconscious brain does not know the difference between reality and fiction

So when you say things like “I will get all my responsibilities done today!”

That statement lights up the same part of the brain as actually DOING that successful task!

The more you say it, the more it becomes like a reality that has already happened, which makes doing it SO much easier!

Affirmations can help you be the person that you want to be before becoming them so that transition is easier

Once your brain creates an identity around what you want, becoming that person feels smoother

We have two things called Observational selection bias and confirmational bias.

Observational selection bias is when you become more aware of something, and suddenly see more of it everywhere

We have moments of everything in our daily lives

We have moments where nothing goes right, and we have moments where we are crushing the day

What often happens is that we pay more attention to the bad moments, which makes us see and recognize all the other bad moments

The more it happens, the more we see only the bad moments and don’t even notice anything else

Confirmational bias is unintentionally looking for evidence of something we believe in

So if we believe that we are clumsy, you will unknowingly look for evidence that supports that CONSTANTLY

So when we are intentionally using affirmations and looking for the truth of the statements, they increase in our life because we are looking for evidence that supports that truth now

You’ll start noticing the moments where you crush the day and not noticing the moments of chaos as much

The brain takes what we notice and what we say and makes our identity with them

This is the lends we use to see our entire life

Affirmations help us change those glasses and see life the way we want to

Funny affirmations for moms

How Humor Helps Mental Health

There is a common saying…

Laughter is the best medicine

Which is so true!

Humor can reduce stress, reduce anxiety and depression, make you happier, improves your gut health, and more

You cannot truly laugh and feel angry at the same time

Some more benefits of humor on mental and physical health are:

  • Relaxing the whole body
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Releasing endorphins that make you feel good
  • Protecting the heart
  • Burning calories
  • Lessens anger
  • Helps you live longer
  • Gives you resilience
  • Strengthens relationships
  • Enhances teamwork
  • Promotes bonding

All of those are extremely valuable to moms!

Humor doesn’t always come naturally, so I put 21 examples of funny affirmations below

But don’t feel restricted!

Pay attention to things that you hear or say that make you laugh and feel good

You can create your own “I am” statements

Have fun and enjoy this process

There is no wrong way to do it as long as the statements are positive in your life

Affirmations that will make you laugh

21 Funny Affirmations for Moms

  1. A messy house means that my kids had fun today!
  2. If I could believe in Santa Cause for 8 years, I can believe in myself today
  3. I am a bad bitch and can overcome anything thrown at me
  4. I can transform chaos into comedy
  5. Life is better when I am laughing at it
  6. I find something funny is every stressfuo situation
  7. I am smart and hilarious
  8. Being funny comes easy to me
  9. I can always make my kids laugh
  10. Making Funny moments out of frustrating ones make the best memories
  11. My funny vibes attract my tribe
  12. Why become moody when I can shake my booty
  13. My mistakes don’t define me, my jokes after my mistakes do
  14. I am like wine, I take 3-4 weeks to get ready but I am worth that wait!
  15. Be happy, it drives the annoying people away
  16. I am thankful for the problems I don’t have
  17. I am a superhero to my kids!
  18. My kids don’t need a perfect mom, funny moms are better
  19. I am my kids’ greatest comfort, no matter what I look like
  20. I love my kids, that makes me a good mom
  21. I get 24 hours, even on a bad day, and each hour is a chance to start over

Affirmations can be fun and enjoyable! These funny affirmations for moms are proof

Want more mom affirmations? Check out this post