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Life is insanely busy so it can be easy to neglect yourself as a mom

But it is important to realize how self-care makes you a better mom

It isn’t selfish or time better spent somewhere else

It is critical for the health and happiness of your whole family!

I know because I have lived both

I have been the mom that neglects herself

And I have been the mom that prioritizes self-care

From personal experience, when I prioritize self-care:

  • My kids are happier
  • I am happier
  • My relationship with my husband is better
  • The house is cleaner
  • The meals are more fun to make
  • Sleep comes easier
  • My patience is WAY better
  • And so much more

That is how self-care makes you a better mom

You cannot pour from an empty cup

How self-care makes you a better mom

Too Many Moms Are Neglecting Themselves

78% of women say that they don’t have time for their health and wellbeing 

Most moms put themselves last in every way

And then we wonder why most moms feel burnt out and overwhelmed 

You don’t magically beat overwhelm

You have to take care of yourself, even if it’s only a few minutes

Think about your cell phone

It does a lot for you!


  • Helps you research
  • Keeps you entertained
  • Plays music
  • Plays videos
  • Wakes you up
  • Reminds you about appointments 
  • Help you get to those appointments 
  • And more

Now imagine if you never charged it…

Would it be working at 100%?

Could it still help you with all of those things?


You have to charge your phone!

Now think about all the things you do for your family

You have to recharge just like a phone does

Or you start to lose how effective you are in every area of life

Your to-do list suffers

Your husband and kids suffer

Family and friends are neglected

And YOU feel terrible all the time!

Taking time to care for yourself is not selfish

What if taking 10 minutes for yourself could save you 3 hours later?

And make you happier while doing what you need to do?

I can’t promise how much time you’ll save by taking care of yourself

But I can promise that your best will get better and you will feel the difference after some time

Why self-care is so important as a mom

Moms are the backbone of the family

If we don’t feel good, no one feels good

When you take care of yourself, you’ll have:

  • More patience
  • Positivity
  • A happier mom means a happier family
  • More energy
  • Happier memories
  • Less mom guilt

Taking care of yourself is not selfish

It is investing in the good of your whole family

Throughout my life, I was that woman/mom

I would run myself into the ground because I would NOT do something for me unless everything else was done

I worked insane hours, cooked, cleaned, took care of everyone around me…

And it destroyed my health


  • Lost my happiness
  • felt hopeless
  • felt overwhelmed
  • Lost energy
  • Needed more sleep to function
  • Was snappy
  • And more

It wasn’t until I made me a priority that I was the best version of myself

I sat down and decided what was truly important 

Cut out the things that were not important

And added the things that made me feel alive

That is the key I found

What makes me feel alive?

Let’s do more of that

Practicing self-care takes effort

Getting into self-care can be as hard as any habit

Only you have to unlearn habits too!

If you are in a habit of always putting everyone and everything ahead of your needs, that is a habit you will have to break before a self-care habit can form

Since breaking and forming habits take a lot of time and effort, I encourage you to take it one small step at a time

Don’t try to drink more water, learn a hobby, cook healthier meals, exercise, and anything else you want to do all at the same time

It is too much!

If you take your time, the results last longer

Have you ever decided to eat healthier so you changed your entire diet?

How long did that last?

It is totally possible to succeed when you take giant steps like that, but it is HARD

If you are like me, it lasted between 2 days and 2 weeks

That is because your brain will always try to default to your belief system

And that takes time to change

If you slowly make changes in your life and make them a big deal, your brain will switch that default setting to align with your goals

Choose one thing that is easy to get started with

I encourage you to be careful with using electronics for your self-care time

I find that for me…

The time goes so fast and I don’t feel recharged after

So test things out and evaluate

I will talk more about that below

Motherhood should not only be a sacrifice 

When you thought about being a mom, what did you think?

Did you think of your life as it is now?

Or was your image full of love?

I was a preschool teacher and a before and after school care teacher for years

I envisioned being a mom as something hard but still full of life and love

But with my habits of neglecting myself, it took years to get there

Do I still struggle as a mom?


But I recover not as don’t hate being a mom as a whole anymore

I remember the moment I realized that I was miserable

I remember talking to a friend and telling her how guilty I felt that I did not love being a mom like I thought I would

The first question she asked me was “what is your self-care routine?”

Ummm… my what?

She told me that it sounded like I was burnt out

I worked myself so hard that I had nothing left

This means I also had nothing left for my family

There will be sacrifices as a mom, but it shouldn’t be ALL sacrifice

Because that not only hurts you, but it hurts your family too

How Self Care Makes You a Better Mom

Practicing self-care makes you a good role model

Take a look at your life and how you treat yourself

But instead of seeing yourself, see your child

Does that make you proud or scared?

I know that the idea of my kids copying my self-neglect terrified me

Because I knew what it did to me and I did not want them to experience that

Kids watch everything we do and copy us

Seeing how we live our life is part of their identity creation

So ask yourself…

If your kids copied the way you:

  • Talk to yourself
  • Treat yourself
  • Feed yourself
  • Do what you enjoy

Would you be excited for them?

Or scared for them?

That was a huge mindset shift for me

The generational curses end with me

What about you?

I Know How Self-Care Makes You a Better Mom Now… Where do I start?

Now that you understand how self-care makes you a better mom… How do you start?

I like to start everything the same way…


I am a math person so I think of it like this…

Every time I do something that takes energy from me, I get negative points.

Everytime I do something that gives me energy, I get positive points.

There will never be a time where do have nothing that takes your energy

Eliminating those is NOT the goal

The goal is to be in the positive at the end of most days

Evaluation is needed because what gives or takes energy is different for everyone

I hate folding laundry and is definitely takes energy from me

But a friend of mine enjoys folding laundry and it gives her energy

So make note of the things that you do and how you feel after

Things like 

  • Taking a shower
  • Going for a walk
  • Baking 
  • Going to the park

Those can all give you energy

Of course not everyone get get energy from baking, but I do so it is on my list

I also make a list of the things I HAVE to do that takes my energy

That way, when I am planning my day, I can make sure there are more actions that give energy than ones that take away

One great way to do this is my scheduling 10 minutes of self-care

This is doing something outside of basic care and hygiene that you enjoy

Check out this post for some ideas

After you have done some evaluating, next is action steps

In order to change your life, you need to change some things IN your life

But choose small steps at a time

If you want to start yoga, start with 15 minutes once a week

And slowly build on top of that.