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There are few things more important than learning how to get more energy as a mom

There is so much to do, and not enough time and energy to do it all

As a mom of twin boys and a business owner…

I get it!

But let me tell you a secret….

You don’t have to do everything!

You will have more energy when you do more that gives you energy and less that takes it away

We do a lot and stress on a lot that isn’t needed

Is it normal to always be tired as a mom?

I’ve asked myself this many times

Why am I so tired! 

Oh yeah, I’m a mom

I believe that being physically tired all the time is pretty normal

We are literally keeping tiny humans that don’t understand danger alive

But the type of tired that hurts a lot of moms is mentally and emotionally tired

This is the tired that doesn’t go away with sleep

It’s from being too much to everyone all the time

This tired would be considered “normal” just because most moms experience it

But it shouldn’t be that way

This tired results in burnout

And that is bad for everyone

What is mom burnout?

Mom burnout happens when stresses build up until they are too much to take

Your emotions are either out of control or nonexistent 

You start to hate waking up in the morning

And getting even the simple tasks becomes difficult

Burnout is a very serious thing

If you have not reached this point yet, please start taking action to prevent it

If you are experiencing burnout, it’s time to start your journey to recovery

Burnout can not only make life hard on you, but it harms the people you love too

What is energy?

There is energy everywhere and it is impossible to destroy it

We get the energy to do things by eating food and staying hydrated

The water helps our system work correctly, and the food we eat is converted into chemical energy that we use to function every day

So the first thing you need to think about if you are low on energy is…

Are you consuming more or equal to the energy you need to function?

And are you healthy and hydrated enough to properly convert that food into energy?

If the answer is no to one or both of these questions, that is where you need to start

Eating healthy as a busy mom can be challenging, but it vital

Without eating the foods that our bodies need to make energy, there is no way to have the energy to do everything you need to do as a mom

How to get more energy as a mom: 9 tips to try

Sometimes it is hard to see the big picture when you are struggling

I know that I have to take a step back and talk my situation through when I am having an issue like a lack of energy

Because I have a hard time finding a solution when I look at the problem emotionally

So I have to really look at my life, find the problem, find the cause of the problem, and work on resolving the problem

Here are some ways that I found help me get more energy as a mom

  1. Find the cause of your exhaustion

Finding the cause of your exhaustion is so important

We can’t just treat the symptoms and expect to get better

We need to find what is causing the symptoms

I already mentioned burnout, but there are many reasons that make you tired

Take a close look at your life

What happens on the days that are worse?

What happens on the days that are better?

By taking everything you do and evaluating your life, you will find the cause of your exhaustion

  1. Get some self-care time, even if it’s 10 minutes

It is common for moms to skip self-care because there is too much to do

We even start getting behind in basic hygiene, like showers

The problem is that we start feeling worse and worse when we do this

We use all our energy, and struggle to create more because our system isn’t working right

Self-care is needed for every person, but even more needed for moms

Self-care actually makes you a better mom!

  1. Drink more water, eat healthier meals, and/or supplement

If you are struggling with energy, check your fuel!

Check your water intake because that is needed for your body and mind to work right

Are you eating enough nutritious food?

In my case, using supplements is important

I have stomach issues that make eating enough food difficult every day

So I take supplements that increase my vitamins, minerals, and vegetable intake

Whatever your body needs for fuel, it is important to provide those things

  1. Exercise

I know this seems weird, but exercise can give you energy!

Exercise doesn’t have to be intense every time

I find myself feeling a little better after dancing and yoga

Test out different forms of exercise and see what gives you energy

  1. Create a routine

Humans thrive on routine

Sadly, most of us aren’t good at keeping one

Routines don’t have to be crazy or super strict

It could be a 3-hour section for ‘morning activities’

Then an hour for playing

Then lunch

After lunch is outdoor play

Once outdoor play is done, then its snack

And so on

The less your brain has to work, the less energy you use

When you just know what comes next, you don’t have to think or decide

  1. Ask for help

I know, I know

Asking for help is very hard for moms

We are used to doing everything for everyone

Asking for help feels uncomfortable

But the more you practice, the easier it gets

Everyone is allowed to ask for help

The people who love you are not mind readers

It is your job to make your needs known

  1. Create a better morning and night routine

In addition to a daily routine, morning and night routines can make a huge difference

Morning routines can start your day on the right foot

And night routines can help you get better rest at night

Both of these will help your energy greatly!

  1. Do your hair and makeup

Many moms get so busy that they never dress up

Yes, I am one of them

I use hair sticks to get my hair out of the way

Then I wear comfy clothes and do my work

But dressing up, doing your hair, and doing makeup can give you energy!

You get a little boost every time you look in the mirror and like what you see

This doesn’t work for everyone, but the concept is the same

You feel more energy when you feel good about yourself

  1. Learn to say no

There are always things pulling for your attention


To stay sane, you have to learn to say no

You can’t do everything and still take care of yourself

So you have to make decisions

Do you struggle with your energy?

What will you do first to get more energy as a mom?