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I was not a huge vitamin supplement fan growing up but realized that I needed them recently

The problem was that it hurt my stomach every time and making myself take them was hard

I had to learn how to get rid of nausea from vitamins so I can take what I needed

It took time and experimentation, but I did manage to mostly take care of my nausea 

I still get it slightly sometimes 

But it is mild and lasts less than 30 minutes

What causes nausea when you take vitamins?

There are several reasons that vitamins make you nauseous

Some vitamins are acidic, like vitamin C, which can make you nauseous if taken on an empty stomach

Vitamins can also react to other vitamins, minerals, or medications

This reaction can result in many symptoms, including nausea

Some vitamins even reduce the benefits of other vitamins

An example of this is Vitamin C and Vitamin B12

Vitamin C breaks down Vitamin B12 in the stomach

So knowing what you are taking, when to take them, and what to avoid mixing together can save a lot of time and prevent sickness

If you are taking a multivitamin, then the iron might be causing the nausea

Iron can make you feel nauseous when you first take it or can make you nauseous if you take too much

Fat-soluble vitamins may also cause nausea

The fat-soluble vitamins are:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K

These vitamins are stored in the body instead of going out in the urine

This means that they can get stuck in the body if you take too much which creates many unpleasant symptoms – including nausea

Water soluble vitamins are less likely to cause nausea when you’re taking too much, but it is still possible

If you are like me, sometimes you get nausea right after taking the pills, but it goes away after a little time

This could mean that you are taking too much of fat-soluble or acidic vitamins, or that the formula that you are using doesn’t agree with your body

The best thing you can do is test things out and find what works for you

How To Get Rid of Nausea From Vitamins

How long does nausea last after taking vitamins?

If you are taking your vitamins as instructed (or trying all the options I will mention below) and you are still getting nauseous…

That nausea should only last two or three hours max

I have limited my nausea a lot, but I still get some when I take my vitamins

I know that it will last about a half hour for me, and it will be limited

You will have to decide what is best for you and your body

But nausea should be limited if you try everything below to prevent it

How to get rid of nausea from vitamins

Since there are many reasons that nausea may exist, there will be many ways to get rid of nausea from vitamins

Some are simple and easy while others take more effort

But vitamins can make a huge impact on your life, so I hope we can get that nausea under control so you can enjoy it!

1. Take them a half hour after you eat

Vitamins and minerals need to be taken on a full stomach to avoid nausea

Some minerals are absorbed better on an empty stomach, but the difference doesn’t make the natural worth it to me

Eating and taking your vitamins at the same time works, but taking them 30 minutes after eating is better

It gives your stomach a chance to get started with digestion, and then the supplements just add to it

This decreases your chance of nausea greatly

2. Drink a lot of water with them

I know, I know

Drinking water is a common struggle. 

I struggle a lot with it!

I don’t enjoy water even though it helps me feel better

And I get tempted to take my vitamins with juice

The problem is that water helps prevent nausea from taking vitamins and minerals

Juice can actually make nausea worse

I recommend taking a couple of nice drinks of water before taking the pills

Then take the pills with water

And drinking some more when you are done

This helps flush everything down and helps prevent that nausea

3. Learn how to best use each vitamin

Not all vitamins and minerals work the same

Some have to be taken together while others shouldn’t

Calcium should be taken at night 

So learning about best practices for the vitamins and minerals you take is important

4. Make sure dosage is right

Dosage is huge when taking any medication

Natural or not

Too much of any good thing becomes a bad thing

Taking too much of a vitamin can give you a range of symptoms, including nausea and fatigue

This is more for the long-lasting nausea 

But dosage is always a good thing to check if you are getting symptoms from your vitamins 

5. Take them at a different time of day

As mentioned in number 3, time of day can make a difference

If you struggle with eating breakfast, taking vitamins after dinner might be a better choice

You can take some in the morning and some at night

Test things out

What works for me might not work for you

Everyone is unique so trying a different time of day might help you get rid of nausea from vitamins

6. Don’t take all of them at once

Sometimes, a lot of pills are needed

But the downfall of that is a lot of pills can be so hard on your stomach

You can try taking them 30-minutes apart or maybe with every meal

If you take a lot of pills and struggle with nausea from them, separating them might be the change you need

7. Try a different brand

Just because two brands have the same vitamin doesn’t mean they are exactly the same

There are different processes for each brand

So if you are getting nauseous, try changing to a new brand

It might be as simple as that brand isn’t a match for your body!

  1. Make sure there are no reactions to other medications

This is huge!

Make sure there are no reactions between your vitamins and other medications

This can be dangerous 

Make sure your doctor is up to date on what you take so they can make a plan when prescribing a medication 

Negative interactions can be severe or they can be simple (like nausea)

So double check to make sure that is not a possible cause

9. Check the format of the supplement

There are different types of supplements

Tablets tend to be harder on the stomach than soft gels because they are harder to digest

I mainly use capsules but I also make my own supplements 

So testing out different formats of the vitamins you need can help you get rid of nausea from vitamins 

10. Try supplements that are actually food

I’ve mentioned that I make my own supplements

I do this through the meals I make and through the capsules I make

For vitamin D, for example, I use sun-treat mushrooms and add them to my capsules

I don’t enjoy eating mushrooms so capsules are a great option for me

Since not everyone has the tools and ability to do that, just researching foods that can give you the vitamins and minerals you need can help

When I’m struggling with iron, I add more beef and spinach to my diet

If it is sickness season, I eat fruits high in vitamin C

Doing research into the companies that make supplements can do the same thing

How do they make their supplements? 

Try to choose ones that are as natural as possible

How To Get Rid of Nausea From Vitamins

11. Reduce dosage size

Sometimes you can be taking the right amount of a supplement, but you just aren’t used to it

So reducing the dosage size and slowly increasing it to what you need is an option

Let your system get used to taking supplements

12. Don’t take them before exercising

Many people take their supplements and exercise in the morning

I caution against taking vitamins before exercising though

It is can hard on your system and increase nausea from vitamins

13. Eat ginger with them

Ginger is a great tool for people struggling with nausea 

I learned this one while I was getting morning sickness during my surrogacy 

Eating some ginger or ginger candies before taking your vitamins can help get rid of nausea from vitamins

It calms the stomach and is a powerful tool for you

If you are here, I assume that nausea from vitamins is a struggle you have

What are you going to try first to get rid of nausea from vitamins?